
##User Log in User data is extremely simple. Username and password isn't encrypted or salted or anything. I didn't get to attempting to implement sessions, so the user must enter username and password upon creating every post and comment.


  • The index page shows the posts listed beginning with the most recent at the top.
  • There's a create user page.
  • Creating a post as well as a comment require username and password. (Currently breaks if the log in information isn't correct... as well as on the user creation page.)
  • Creating comments is done on the individual post page.

##Styling The design is super bootstrap.

##Database The database is H2 (SQL, in-memory)

##Commands to get it up and running

  • Clone this repository

  • Run Maven

mvn package

(or mvn clean install)

  • Run Server
java -jar target/Blogger-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar server Blogger.yml


###User Sign Up

###Create a Post

###View a Post, or Post a Comment