To-Do App


This app a solution to store a list of things to do which will be presented as a series of post-its.


The app needs a local server and MySQL.
A practical solution is the use of a package such as Mamp, Xampp or Wamp. When the program starts, it checks whether a database exists for the data. If so, it will use it. Otherwise, one will be created and used.
Parameters for the database are available and may be edited in the file found here.


The user may create, read, update and delete elements in a to-do list.
Each will have a title (20 chars max) and a text (100 chars max).




  • Visual Studio Code issues errors with Tailwind @ rules. Hence the file settings.json in the .vscode folder. Without it, the compilation should work but the IDE will keep showing warnings.
  • Github's languages stats misinterprets some PHP files (those with only HTML content) as Hack. The .gitattributes file fixes that.


The main branch of this repo contains all the working files needed for developping the app.
The final files for the release can be found on another branch: release.