Telerik Teamwork


Telerik Akademy Teamwork:

  • Йосиф Енев (joseph)
  • Мартин Вешев (vesheff)
  • Пламен Костадинов (plamenti)
  • Александър Овчаров (LaForce)
  • Слави Трайков (mursalevo)
  • Ивайло Граматиков (zaiko)
  • Гасан Назер (Gasan)

##Project Discription BATKA game - simple console game.

##General Requirements Please define and implement the following assets in your project:

  • At least 1 multi-dimensional array
  • At least 3 one-dimensional arrays
  • At least 10 methods (separating the application’s logic)
  • At least 3 existing .NET classes (like System.Math or System.DateTime)
  • At least 2 exception handlings
  • At least 1 use of external text file

##Additional Requirements

##Optional Requirements If you have a chance, time and a suitable situation, you might add some of the following to your project:

  • Object Oriented Programming (classes, interfaces, structures, inheritance, polymorphism, etc.)
  • Serialization of the data in the text file (binary)
  • Sound effects during the gameplay

##Non-Required Work

  • Completely finished project is not obligatory required. It will not be a big problem if your project is not completely finished or is not working greatly. This team work project is for educational purpose. Its main purpose is to experience working on a real-world project and to get some experience in team collaboration with Git. http://academy.telerik.com http://telerikacademy.com Telerik Software Academy 2015 2 of 2 http://facebook.com/TelerikAcademy

##Deliverables Put the following in a ZIP archive and submit it (each team member submits the same file):

  • The complete source code.
  • Brief documentation of your project (2-3 pages). It should provide the following information (in brief):
  • Team name and list of team members (including usernames from the student system)
  • Project explanation – describe your game
  • The URL of your Git repository
  • Any other information (optionally)
  • Optionally provide a PowerPoint presentation designed for the project defense.

##Public Project Defense Each team will have to deliver a public defense of its work in from of the other students and trainers. You will have only 5 minutes for the following:

  • Demonstrate the game (very shortly).
  • Show the source code in the Git web-based source code browser.
  • Show the commits logs to confirm that each team member has contributed.

Optionally you might prepare a PowerPoint presentation (3-4 slides). Please be strict in timing! Be well prepared for presenting maximum of your work for minimum time. Bring your own laptop. Test it preliminary with the multimedia projector. Open the project assets beforehand to save time. You have 5 minutes, no more. It is not necessary for all team members to participate in the project defense.

##Give Feedback about Your Teammates You will be invited to provide feedback about all your teammates, their attitude to this project, their technical skills, their team working skills, their contribution to the project, etc. The feedback is important part of the project evaluation so take it seriously and be honest.

###let the fun begin!