
To deploy the JBoss applications, run: oc create -f conf/jboss/

To deploy the Quarkus applications, run: oc create -f conf/quarkus/

To enable the Prometheus monitoring of the applications and deploy Grafana with an already existing Datasource, run:

oc apply -f conf/grafana/cluster-monitoring-config-map.yaml

oc apply -f conf/grafana/workload-monitoring-config.yaml

oc apply -f conf/grafana/service-account-grafana.yaml

oc apply -f conf/grafana/role-binding-grafana.yaml

Now copy the output of the following command:

oc serviceaccounts get-token grafana-serviceaccount -n {namespace}

and paste it in the datasource.yaml file.

Then run:

oc create configmap grafana-config --from-file=conf/grafana/datasource.yaml -n {namespace}

oc apply -f conf/grafana/grafana-app.yaml -n {namespace}

oc create route edge grafana-route --service=grafana --namespace={namespace}