differences with official classic editor plugin
- Highlight
- Underline
- SimpleUploadAdapter
- ImageResize
- TextTransformation
- UploadAdapter
- Autoformat
- CloudServices
- BlockQuote
- CKBox
- CKFinder
- CloudServices
- EasyImage
- ImageCaption
- Indent
- MediaEmbed
- PasteFromOffice
- PictureEditing
- TableToolbar
- TextTransformation
1 - Install the original repository
git clone git@github.com:ckeditor/ckeditor5.git
2 - Move to the packages folder
cd ckeditor5/packages
3 - Clone the custom build from this repository
git clone git@github.com:Lakaaio/ckeditor5-build-classic-custom.git
4 - Remove the original classic cuild
rm -rf ckeditor5-build-classic
5 - Rename the custom build
mv ckeditor5-build-classic-custom ckeditor5-build-classic
6 - Move to the classic build folder
cd ckeditor5-build-classic
7 - Make all modification needed to the pacakge
Most changes happen in the src/ckeditor.ts file. If new plugins are added, dont forget to add them in the package.json. Remember that the new plugin must match the version of all the others.
8 - Install dependencies with yarn
yarn install
9 - build the package
npm run build
Test the changes localy
1 - Move to the frontend of the main project
2 - Disable the linter in quasar.conf.js
eslint: {
// fix: true,
// include = [],
// exclude = [],
// rawOptions = {},
warnings: false,
errors: false,
3 - Modify the import of the plugin in Editor.vue
import ClassicEditor from '@lakaaio/ckeditor5-build-classic';
import '@lakaaio/ckeditor5-build-classic';
4 - Remove the dependecy from git in package.json
"@lakaaio/ckeditor5-build-classic": "github:Lakaaio/ckeditor5-build-classic-custom",
5 - import the local package
npm i <path to package>/packages/ckeditor5-build-classic
this should add this line in package.json "@lakaaio/ckeditor5-build-classic": "file:ckeditor5-build-classic",
6 - delete the old packages
rm -rf node-modules
7 - Install dependencies with npm
npm i
8 - Test
You may want to modify Editor.vue to implement the features of the new plugins
9 - Undo steps 2, 3, 4
Make the changes permanent
1 - Make sure that the changes are working localy
2 - Add, commit and push to github
3 - List any changes to the plugin list on top of the readme