
BBDraft is a PHP-based web app for playing Fantasy Big Brother (US & CA version). It is written in Object-Oriented PHP 7.1, and uses the Twig templating engine.

Primary LanguagePHP


BBDraft is a PHP-based web app for playing Fantasy Big Brother (US & CA version). It is written in Object-Oriented PHP 7.1, and uses the Twig templating engine. BBDraft is still in its early development stage. ### Setup - To setup BBDraft on a server, you need the following: PHP 7.1, Twig, MySQL (with a DB named `bbdraft`), and Reddit API keys. - Once you have the following, run the following 2 SQL queries:

Create the users table

CREATE TABLE `bbdraft`.`bbdraft_users` (
  `id` INT(11) NOT NULL,
  `identifier` VARCHAR(21) NULL,
  `provider` VARCHAR(6) NULL,
  `display_name` VARCHAR(60) NULL,
  `email` VARCHAR(60) NULL,
  `league` VARCHAR(8) NULL,
  `team_name` VARCHAR(30) NULL,
  `pick1` INT(2) NULL,
  `pick2` INT(2) NULL,
  `pick3` INT(2) NULL,
  `points` INT(3) NULL DEFAULT 0,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`));

Create the leagues table

CREATE TABLE `bbdraft`.`bbdraft_leagues` (
  `code` VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL,
  `name` VARCHAR(30) NULL,
  `owner` INT(11) NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`code`));
  • Then, enter your SQL user credentials and Reddit API keys into data.php, and put that outside of the webroot (Our webroot is in /var/www/html, so we put it in /var/www/), if your directories are setup differently, you may need to change a few lines (in connection.php and classes.php) of code.