A UE4SS lua mod for Crowd Control support in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night: https://crowdcontrol.live/game/Bloodstained
For best results it is recommended to combine this with True Randomization: https://github.com/Lakifume/True-Randomization/releases/latest
Name | Description | Price | Duration | Group ID |
Poison Player | Unlike the old school poison this one actually drains your health | 4 | --- | - |
Curse Player | Their run is probably cursed enough as is, but a little extra never hurt anyone | 4 | --- | - |
Petrify Player | Remind the player why they should never get stoned | 4 | --- | - |
Slow Player Down | Who are you calling slow ? | 4 | --- | - |
Slam Player | Bigtosses are best tosses | 4 | --- | - |
Empty Health | Set player HP to 1 | 32 | --- | - |
Empty Magic | Set player MP to 1 | 16 | --- | - |
Refill Health | Refill player HP to full | 16 | --- | - |
Refill Magic | Refill player MP to full | 8 | --- | - |
Shuffle Colors | Randomize Miriam's colors | 2 | --- | - |
Fake Flawless Win | Congratulations | 2 | --- | - |
Play Death Quote | Randomly play one of the quotes normally heard when getting a Game Over on certain bosses | 2 | --- | - |
Shrink Player | Turn stealth mode on | 8 | 30s | 0 |
Grow Player | Featuring SS tier hitboxes ! | 8 | 30s | 0 |
Flip Player | Turn the player around, also inverting their controls | 8 | 30s | - |
Shuffle Controls | Randomize all non-directional player controls. Does not affect keyboard inputs | 16 | 30s | - |
Use Witch Time | Trigger an ancient technique once used by the Umbra | 16 | 15s | 1 |
Turbo Enemies | They move so fast ! | 16 | 30s | 1 |
Uncontrollable Speed | The problem with being faster than light is that you can only live in darkness | 8 | 30s | - |
Critical Mode | Every player attack is a guaranteed crit, however defense will be set to 0 | 8 | 30s | - |
Gold Rush | Call upon the player's thirst for gold, converting damage dealt to money to reset their currency | 16 | 60s | - |
Use Waystone | Send the player back to Johannes for a health check-up. Still has no effect during boss fights | 64 | --- | - |
Use Rosario | Kill every enemy on the current screen. If it's a boss it will only inflict damage | 16 | --- | - |
Rewind Time | Warp the player 2 rooms backwards. Does not work during boss fights | 16 | --- | - |
Summon Ambush | Ambush the player by surrounding them with a random enemy | 8 | --- | - |
Summon Rave | It's party time at the demon castle ! | 8 | 30s | 2 |
Summon Darkness | Follow the light at the end of the tunnel | 8 | 20s | 2 |
Trigger Earthquake | Bloodstained go brrr | 8 | 20s | - |
Force Invert | Force the player to remain in second castle | 8 | 20s | 3 |
No Skill Shards | Turn off all white shards. Epic gamers can use their own skillz | 8 | 30s | 3 |
Weapons Only | Unequip the player's current shards, forcing them to use weapons instead | 8 | 60s | 4 |
Shards Only | Unequip the player's current weapon, forcing them to use shards instead | 8 | 30s | 4 |
Force Equipment | Force a random set of equipment based on what the player has in their inventory | 8 | 60s | 4 |
Heaven or Hell | May make the player invincibleā¦ or may put them in one-hit KO mode | 24 | 60s | - |
Return Books | This is a library, not a bookshop | 40 | --- | - |
Call The Library | Report Miriam to Orlok Dracule so that he can meet with her soon to talk about the tomes she did not return | 80 | --- | - |