
A randomizer for Touhou Luna Nights and Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth, the two metroidvania games made by Team Ladybug

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A randomizer for Touhou Luna Nights and Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth, the two metroidvania games made by Team Ladybug

Screenshot (754)

Screenshot (711)

Screenshot (757)

Item Randomization

Randomize item pickups using logic that will guarantee that the game will always be completable. You can customize the complexity level of the placement and select which item types should be included or excluded from the random item pool. Excluded item types will only be shuffled within themselves.



Enemy Randomization

Randomize enemy types, this is similar to the concept of enemizers minus the facts that enemy stats or positions cannot be edited. This creates a simple, systemic enemy shuffle where you can customize the possible tier difference of enemies that appear.



Music Randomization

Randomize which bgm tracks play for levels, bosses and events. This only shuffles them by type, meaning that you will not hear boss music play in a regular level.

Color Randomization

Randomize the hue of many types of in-game sprites. This edits the texture assets directly to provide as much color variety as possible while still retaining balanced-looking visuals.



Dialogue Randomization

Randomize the conversation lines that characters can say during events and cutscenes. This can also restructure sentences at random similarily to the dialogue rando implemented in DSVrando.



Reverse Rando

Start the game from the top of the map and make your way down to find the items required to reach the end. Using the item tracker's warp to start feature may be required to beat the game in that mode.



Require All Keys

Block off the final boss with all colored doors/gates, forcing you to collect all colored keys/switches to finish the rando.



Stage 6 Unlocked

Unlock Luna Night's extra stage from the start of the game without having to reach Flandre beforehand, also affecting the logic.

Skip Boss Rush

Remove the endgame boss rush in Wonder Labyrinth's last stage, simplifying relatively quick seeds.

Speedrun Logic

Toggle a more advanced item logic that may require in-depth knowledge of the game's tricks as well as taking more risks to reach an item.