
A battle simulator for the game Risk Universalis. This attempts to create a semi-realistic depiction of battles.

Primary LanguageJava

Risk Universalis Battle Simulator

The goal of this program is to accurately simulate battles that take place in Risk Universalis. Risk Universalis is a game which allows you to play as a nation, and diplomatically and militarily interact with other players. One element of this game that people often get wrong are the battles, and the hope with this is to try to either create a new version of the game, or integrate this system into the old game.

This application takes in units, whether that's regiment-based organization, or more modern division-based organization, simulate a battle with a user experience, and give a result. The result may comprise of the amount of casualties, amount of deaths on both sides(individually and collectively), how many were able to retreat, the ending status of each side, and total resource expenditure. Some of the factors that this takes in is the attacking army, the defending army, the morales of the armies, the amount of soldiers, and the type of terrain (e.g. river crossing, mountain terrain, plateau, or urban).

The way the battles play out are entirely-AI based. While the user can change the way the AI behaves, their maneuvers, etc, the actual input during the battle cannot be altered or changed(for now). Depending on the selected state they are in, the defenders may try to retreat, stay on a last stance, or launch a counter-offensive. The battles are structured in waves, where, either side may try to launch offensives. Depending on partial random chance and advantages/disadvantages, they may be successful, unsuccessful, or inconclusive. The AI will try to play realistically, where the leaders of the armies can only focus on one thing at a time, and if getting attacked on multiple sides they will be stressed and morale will be lowered.