
This user-friendly Birthday Countdown Generator is a web application which allows users to generate personalized countdowns for their friends' birthdays. Simply create a unique link for each friend and start the countdown!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This user-friendly Birthday Countdown Generator is a web application which allows users to generate personalized countdowns for their friends' birthdays. Simply create a unique link for each friend and start the countdown!

Functioning and Description :

In the described Birthday Countdown Wisher, ReactJS is utilized as the foundational framework for building the web application. ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, known for its efficiency and component-based architecture. React Hooks, a feature introduced in React version 16.8, is likely used extensively in the application. Hooks are functions that enable functional components to access React features such as state and lifecycle methods. In the context of the countdown functionality, the useState hook is likely employed to manage the state of the countdown timer. This allows the application to update the countdown dynamically without the need for class components or lifecycle methods, simplifying the codebase and improving maintainability. Overall, React Hooks facilitate the creation of interactive and efficient components, enhancing the user experience of the Birthday Countdown Wisher.

Deployed Link - https://birthday-wisher-lakshay.vercel.app/