
Starting off with OpenCV as an absolute beginner!

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Documentation - Learning OpenCV from scratch

learning opencv 1

  • Reading Images
  • Reading Videos
  • Reading Webcam

learning opencv 2

  • Converting RGB into GrayScale
  • Blurring an Image
  • Edge Detector
  • Dilation
  • Erosion

learning opencv 3

  • Concept of axis in OpenCV
  • Resizing an Image
  • Cropping an Image

learning opencv 4

  • Lines
  • Rectangles
  • Circles
  • Text on Images

learning opencv 5

  • Warp Perspective

learning opencv 6

  • Joining Images
  • Image Stacking

learning opencv 7

  • Color Detection
  • Introducing Trackbars

learning opencv 8

  • Contouring
  • Shape Detection
  • Bounding Boxes

learning opencv 9

  • All about Haar Cascades

Application based projects

1. Virtual Paint

2. Face Detection using Haar Cascade classifier

Learning Resources

Link to YouTube video
Link to GitHub profile