
We are developing Algorithms and Data Structures exercises to help people around the world, to improve logic skills.

Primary LanguagePython

Algorithms 👩‍💻

We are developing Algorithms and Data Structures exercises to help people around the world 🌎 improve their logic skills. In this repository you will be able to create and test your algorithms.

Also, you can enjoy the Content Session, where are available a lot of educational contents.

How to Contribute 🦾

To contribute to this project, create a PR. If tested and approved, your code will be merged with the repository! You can contribute in these ways:

  • Adding a new exercise and a test written with Python language;
  • Including some educational content (website, book, youtube channel) related to algorithms and how to solve them;
  • Including an issue to report some bugs in the exercises of this repo.

Hacktoberfest 🎉

During the month of October, Hacktoberfest takes place, an event to celebrate Open Source, organized by Digital Ocean and open to the entire community.

The event aims to contribute to Open Source projects, and although mostly devs contribute, it is possible to contribute in any capacity, so if you are a designer, tester, mentor, or have any other role in technology, you can participate.

Read more and understad how you can join on the event!

Hacktober Fest 2022