
This tutorial goes thorugh the steps for creating an inference object detection application using MIVIsionX.

Primary LanguageC++

1. Tutorial Exercise4 (Object detection with video decoding) Overview

This project shows how to run video decoding and object detection using simple pretrained Caffe model, yolov2

It is best to start doing these exercises after going through the presentation slides and MIVisionX github pages discussed earlier during this tutorial session. This exercise makes use for mv_compile utility which is built and installed with MIVisionX github repository https://github.com/GPUOpen-ProfessionalCompute-Libraries/MIVisionX.git. The tutorial exercise has two .cpp files, mvobj_detect.cpp and visualize.cpp. But it needs extra header files, .cpp files, and inference deployment library which is generated by mv_compile utility to completely build and execute the application.

For doing this exercise, follow the steps in order. For the second part of exercise, I will be showing how to run the object detection using 4 video streams by compiling model for batch of 4 and specifying 4 video files for the input to exercise 4.


  • Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 or CentOS 7.5/7.6
  • ROCm supported hardware
    • AMD Radeon GPU or APU required
  • ROCm
  • Build & Install MIVisionX
    • MIVisionX installs model compiler at /opt/rocm/mivisionx
    • mv_compile installs at at /opt/rocm/mivisionx/bin and mvdeploy_api.h installs at /opt/rocm/mivisionx/include

Step 1. Clone this repository into local system

Step 2. Download pre-trained YoloV2 caffe model - yoloV2Tiny20.caffemodel

Step 3. compile model for OPENCL-ROCm-OpenVX backend using mv_compile utility

The mv_compile utility generates deployment library, header files, and .cpp files required to run inference for the specified model.

mv_compile --model yoloV2Tiny20.caffemodel --install_folder example4 --input_dims 1,3,416,416

There will be a file libmv_deploy.so (under ./lib), weights.bin and mvtestdeploy sample app (under ./bin). Also there will be mv_extras folder for extra post-processing helper functions. Open mvdeploy_api.h to go through API functions supported for inference deployment.

Step 4. Make sure mvtestdeploy utility runs

mvtestdeploy is a pregenerated application built during Step 2 which shows how to deploy inference for an input image file

cd example4
./bin/mvtestdeploy <inputdatafile> <output.bin> --install_folder . --t N
This runs inference for an input file and generate output for N number of iterations.

Step 5. Build mv_objdetect example

mv_objdetect is supposed to build on top of all the files generated in step 3. Basically it shows how to add preprocessing OpenVX nodes for video decoding and image_to_tensor conversion. Go through mv_objdetect.cpp file. This exercise uses a single or multiple video streams for input. The second part of the sample will show how to run it through multiple video files.

copy all files in clones sample folder (mvobjdetect.spp, visualize.cpp, visualize.h and CMakeLists.txt) into exercise4 folder everything is there to build and run the sample
cp mvobjdetect.cpp visualize.cpp .
cp visualize.h .
cp CMakeLists.txt .

Step 6. cmake and make mvobjdetect

mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DUSE_POSTPROC=ON ../
make -j

Note: if build directory exists from previous build, please remove it before creating again

Step 7. Run object detection with video/image

./build/mvobjdetect ../data/img.jpg - --install_folder . --bb 20 0.2 0.4 --v
./build/mvobjdetect ../data/test.mp4 - --install_folder . --frames 5000 --bb 20 0.2 0.4 --v

Step 8. Run object detection with multiple video streams

Go thorugh steps 2 to 5, this time compiing the model for a batch of 4

mv_compile.exe --model yoloV2Tiny20.caffemodel --install_folder example4_batch4 --input_dims 1,3,416,416
cd example4_batch4
cp ../*.cpp .
cp ../*.h .
cp ../CMakeLists.txt .
mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DUSE_POSTPROC=ON ../
make -j

./build/mv_objdetect ../data/Videos_4.txt - --install_folder . --frames 5000 --bb 20 0.2 0.4 --v

Step 9. Sample output for multiple video object detection


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details

