
Code and Data artifact for NeurIPS 2023 paper - "Monitor-Guided Decoding of Code LMs with Static Analysis of Repository Context"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Monitor-Guided Decoding of Code LMs with Static Analysis of Repository Context

Alternative title: Guiding Language Models of Code with Global Context using Monitors


This repository hosts the official code and data artifact for the paper "Monitor-Guided Decoding of Code LMs with Static Analysis of Repository Context" appearing at NeurIPS 2023 ("Guiding Language Models of Code with Global Context using Monitors" on Arxiv). The work introduces Monitor-Guided Decoding (MGD) for code generation using Language Models, where a monitor uses static analysis to guide the decoding.

Repository Contents

  1. Datasets: PragmaticCode and DotPrompts
  2. Evaluation scripts: Scripts to evaluate LMs by taking as input inferences (code generated by the model) for examples in DotPrompts and producing score@k scores for the metrics reported in the paper: Compilation Rate (CR), Next-Identifier Match (NIM), Identifier-Sequence Match (ISM) and Prefix Match (PM).
  3. Inference Results over DotPrompts: Generated code for examples in DotPrompts with various model configurations reported in the paper. The graphs and tables reported in the paper can be reproduced by running the evaluation scripts on the provided inference results.
  4. multilspy: A language server client, to easily obtain and use results of various static analyses provided by a large variety of language servers that communicate over the Language Server Protocol. multilspy is intended to be used as a library to easily query various language servers, without having to worry about setting up their configurations and implementing the client-side of language server protocol. multilspy currently supports running language servers for Java, Rust, C# and Python, and we aim to expand this list with the help of the community.
  5. Monitor-Guided Decoding: Implementation of various monitors monitoring for different properties reported in the paper (for example: monitoring for type-valid identifier dereferences, monitoring for correct number of arguments to method calls, monitoring for typestate validity of method call sequences, etc.), spanning 3 programming languages.

Monitor-Guided Decoding: Motivating Example

For example, consider the partial code to be completed in the figure below. To complete this code, an LM has to generate identifiers consistent with the type of the object returned by ServerNode.Builder.newServerNode(). The method newServerNode and its return type, class ServerNode.Builder, are defined in another file. If an LM does not have information about the ServerNode.Builder type, it ends up hallucinating, as can be seen in the example generations with the text-davinci-003 and SantaCoder models. The completion uses identifiers host and port, which do not exist in the type ServerNode.Builder. The generated code therefore results in “symbol not found” compilation errors.

MGD uses static analysis to guide the decoding of LMs, to generate code following certain properties. In the example, MGD is used to monitor for generating code with type-correct dereferences, and the SantaCoder model with the same prompt is able to generate the correct code completion, which compiles and matches the ground truth as well.

Environment Setup

We use the Python packages listed in requirements.txt. Our experiments used python 3.10. It is recommended to install the same with dependencies in an isolated virtual environment. To create a virtual environment using venv:

python3 -m venv venv_monitors4codegen
source venv_monitors4codegen/bin/activate

or using conda:

conda create -n monitors4codegen python=3.10
conda activate monitors4codegen

Further details and instructions on creation of python virtual environments can be found in the official documentation. Further, we also refer users to Miniconda, as an alternative to the above steps for creation of the virtual environment.

To install the requirements for running evaluations as described below:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

1. Datasets

Dataset Statistics

Number of repositories in PragmaticCode 100
Number of methods in DotPrompts 1420
Number of examples in DotPrompts 10538


PragmaticCode is a dataset of real-world open-source Java projects complete with their development environments and dependencies (through their respective build systems). The authors tried to ensure that all the repositories in PragmaticCode were released publicly only after the determined training dataset cutoff date (31 March 2022) for the CodeGen, SantaCoder and text-davinci-003 family of models, which were used to evaluate MGD.

The list of repositories along with their respective licenses consisting PragmaticCode is available in datasets/PragmaticCode/repos.csv. The contents of the files required for inference for each of the repositories is available in datasets/PragmaticCode/fileContentsByRepo.json.


DotPrompts is a set of examples derived from PragmaticCode, such that each example consists of a prompt to a dereference location (a code location having the "." operator in Java). The scenario described in motivating example above is an example in DotPrompts.

The complete description of an example in DotPrompts is a tuple - (repo, classFileName, methodStartIdx, methodStopIdx, dot_idx). The dataset is available at datasets/DotPrompts/dataset.csv.

2. Evaluation Scripts

Running the evaluation script

The evaluation script can be run as follows:

python3 eval_results.py <path to inference results - csv> <path to PragmaticCode filecontents - json> <path to output directory>

The above command will create a directory <path to output directory>, containing all the graphs and tables reported in the paper along with extra details. The command also generates a report in the output directory, named Report.md which relates the generated figures to sections in the paper.

To ensure that the environment setup has been done correctly, please run the below command, which runs the evaluation script over dummy data (included in inference_results/dotprompts_results_sample.csv). If the command fails, that indicates an error in the environment setup and the authors request you to kindly report the same.

python3 evaluation_scripts/eval_results.py inference_results/dotprompts_results_sample.csv datasets/PragmaticCode/fileContentsByRepo.json results_sample/

Description of inference results csv file format

Description of expected columns in the inference results csv input to the evaluation script:

  • repo: Name of the repository from which the testcase was sourced
  • classFileName: relative path to file containing the testcase prompt location
  • methodStartIdx: String index of starting '{' of the method
  • methodStopIdx: String index of closing '}' of the method
  • dot_idx: String index of '.' that is the dereference prompt point
  • configuration: Identifies the configuration used to generate the given code sample. Values from: ['SC-classExprTypes', 'CG-6B', 'SC-FIM-classExprTypes', 'SC-RLPG-MGD', 'SC-MGD', 'SC-FIM-classExprTypes-MGD', 'CG-2B', 'SC', 'CG-2B-MGD', 'CG-350M-classExprTypes-MGD', 'SC-FIM', 'TD-3', 'CG-350M-MGD', 'SC-FIM-MGD', 'SC-RLPG', 'CG-350M', 'CG-350M-classExprTypes', 'SC-classExprTypes-MGD', 'CG-6B-MGD', 'TD-3-MGD']
  • temperature: Temperature used for sampling. Values from: [0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2]
  • model: Name of the model used for sampling. Values from: ['Salesforce/codegen-6B-multi', 'bigcode/santacoder', 'Salesforce/codegen-2B-multi', 'Salesforce/codegen-350M-multi', 'text-davinci-003']
  • context: Decoding strategy used. Values from: ['autoregressive', 'fim']
  • prefix: Prompt strategy used. Values from: ['classExprTypes', 'none', 'rlpg']
  • rlpg_best_rule_name: Name of the rule used for creating RLPG prompt (if used for the corresponding testcase). Values from: [nan, 'in_file#lines#0.25', 'in_file#lines#0.5', 'in_file#lines#0.75', 'import_file#method_names#0.5']
  • output: Generated output by the model
  • compilationSucceeded: Result of compiling the generated method in the context of the full repository. 1 if success, 0 otherwise. Values from: [1, 0]

3. Inference Results over DotPrompts

We provide all inferences (generated code) generated by all model configurations reported in the paper, for every example in DotPrompts. This consists of 6 independently sampled inferences for 18 different model configurations (spanning parameter scale, prompt templates, use of FIM context, etc.) for every example in DotPrompts.

The generated samples along with their compilation status, following the format described above, is available at inference_results/dotprompts_results.csv. The file is stored using git lfs. If the file is not available locally after cloning this repository, please check the git lfs website for instructions on setup, and clone the repository again after git lfs setup.

Each row in the file contains several multi-line string cells, and therefore, while viewing them in tools like Microsoft Office Excel, kindly enable "Word Wrap" to be able to view the full contents.

To run the evaluation scripts over the inferences, in order to reproduce the graphs and tables reported in the paper, run:

python3 evaluation_scripts/eval_results.py inference_results/dotprompts_results.csv datasets/PragmaticCode/fileContentsByRepo.json results/

The above command creates a directory results (already included in the repository), containing all the figures and tables provided in the paper along with extra details. The command also generates a report in the output directory which relates the generated figures to sections in the paper. In case of above command, the report is generated at results/Report.md.

4. multilspy

multilspy is a cross-platform library that we have built to set up and interact with various language servers in a unified and easy way. Language servers are tools that perform a variety of static analyses on source code and provide useful information such as type-directed code completion suggestions, symbol definition locations, symbol references, etc., over the Language Server Protocol (LSP). multilspy intends to ease the process of using language servers, by abstracting the setting up of the language servers, performing language-specific configuration and handling communication with the server over the json-rpc based protocol, while exposing a simple interface to the user.

Since LSP is language-agnostic, multilspy can provide the results for static analyses of code in different languages over a common interface. multilspy is easily extensible to any language that has a Language Server and currently supports Java, Rust, C# and Python and we aim to support more language servers from the list of language server implementations.

Some of the analyses results that multilspy can provide are:

The file multilspy/language_server.py provides the multilspy API. Several tests for multilspy present under tests/multilspy/ provide detailed usage examples for multilspy. The tests can be executed by running:

pytest tests/multilspy

Example usage:

from multilspy import SyncLanguageServer
from multilspy.multilspy_config import MultilspyConfig
from multilspy.multilspy_logger import MultilspyLogger
config = MultilspyConfig.from_dict({"code_language": "java"})
logger = MultilspyLogger()
lsp = SyncLanguageServer.create(config, logger, "/abs/path/to/project/root/")
with lsp.start_server():
    result = lsp.request_definition(
        "relative/path/to/code_file.java", # Filename of location where request is being made
        163, # line number of symbol for which request is being made
        4 # column number of symbol for which request is being made

multilspy also provides an asyncio based API which can be used in async contexts. Example usage (asyncio):

from multilspy import LanguageServer
lsp = LanguageServer.create(...)
async with lsp.start_server():
    result = await lsp.request_definition(

5. Monitor-Guided Decoding

A monitor under the Monitor-Guided Decoding framework, is instantiated using multilspy as the LSP client, and as a logits-processor to guide the LM decoding. monitor_guided_decoding/monitor.py provides the class MGDLogitsProcessor which can be used with any HuggingFace Language Model, as a LogitsProcessor to guide the LM using MGD. monitor_guided_decoding/dereferences_monitor.py provides the instantiation for dereferences monitor. Unit tests for the dereferences monitor are present in tests/monitor_guided_decoding/test_dereferences_monitor_java.py, which also provide usage examples for the dereferences monitor.


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