
Codetrotters Fellowship 2016 Application Coding Challenge

#Codetrotters Fellowship Coding Challenge Summer 2017


Codetrotters Fellowship links promising developers with global startups so they can get invaluable real life experience.

As part of the application process we post a coding challenge every year, and this year's applications will be accepted through February 15th, 2017.

You can read more about the Codetrotters Fellowship at http://www.codetrotters.com/fellowship

##Participating in the Challenge

To participate in this challenge, you need a GitHub account. Fork this repository and once you finish with your solution, send us a Pull Request.

If you are not familiar with Git or Github, you can submit your challenge here.

We are looking forward to reading all your solutions!


Medalla BAC Calculator

You will build a calculator for measuring Blood Alcohol Concentration based on weight, number of Medallas consumed, and the amount of time that has passed since consumption. You can build such a program using any language you choose.

Yeah. Helpful for weekends on the beach in PR.

##Exercise Requirements

  • Prompt user for their weight (lbs), the total number of Medallas they have consumed, and the amount of time that has passed since drinking (hours)
  • Use this information to calculate the BAC of the person
  • Return that number (BAC) to the User

You can be as technical or non-technical as you want with this exercise. If you want to truly model a BAC calculator, there are formulas out there that you can find on Google. An example of such a formula is below:

BAC% = (A × 5.14/W × 0.69) - .015 × H 
  A: Total alcohol consumed, in ounces (oz)
  W: Body weight, in pounds (lbs)
  H: Time passed since drinking, in hours

If you want to use the above formula, you'll have to determine how many ounces (oz) of alcohol are in 1 medalla. But it should be straightforward after modifying the formula for that!