
QR Code Generator using Python

Primary LanguagePython

Python QR Code Generator

Generate QR codes.

A standard install uses pypng to generate PNG files and can also render QR codes directly to the console. A standard install is just:

pip install qrcode
pip install image


From the command line, use the installed qr script:

qr "Some text" > test.png

Or in Python, use the make shortcut function:

import qrcode
img = qrcode.make('Some data here')
type(img)  # qrcode.image.pil.PilImage

Advanced Usage

For more control, use the QRCode class. For example:

import qrcode
import image
qr =qrcode.QRCode(
    version=15,  # 15 means the version og the qr code high the number bigger the code image and complicated picture
    box_size=10,  # size of the box where qr code will be displayed
    border=5  # it is the white part of image -- border in all 4 sides with white color

data = "https://github.com/Lalith3470"
img = qr.make_image(fill="black", back_color="white")

QR Code for my GitHub Profile
