
react blog build with react hooks + koa2 + sequelize + mysql for personal usage.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Blog

LICENSE 996.icu

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One-click installation & deployment of the React blog, freeing your hands so that you only need to change the configuration file to have a perfect personal technical blog!

This ReadMe file contains the following:

  1. How to install and deploy a blog
  2. How to configure front-end page information
  3. How to configure sensitive back-end information

Table of Contents


React Blog was originally built on the basis of project alvin0216/react-blog which was created by alvin0216 , In order to fix some known issues and add more personalized elements, Last but no Least, I have added various security guarantees of the website, making it more cool and easier to use.

In order to build a personal website, you first need to rent a cloud server (centos is generally used instead in this article), and use Alibaba Cloud/Tencent Cloud/AWS to host the website. Or you can use Ngrok to do intranet penetration and deploy the website on your PC.


If you want to deploy on the Centos server, you can directly use our one-click installation deployment script:

$ sh install.sh

If you want to install and configure yourself, use node,npm,yarn,forever for this project. Please make sure You have performed the correct installation locally.

$ npm install --global yarn
$ npm install --global forever


If you use the one-click installation script mentioned above, please pay attention to whether the port is occupied when starting later:

$ yum install lsof
$ lsof -i:80
$ lsof -i:6060

If there is port occupation, please end the process or change the port

Then execute the following instructions for production deployment

$ cd src
$ yarn build
$ nohup serve -s build -l 80 &
$ cd server
$ forever start app.js

Or for development environment deployment

$ cd src
$ nohup yarn dev
$ cd server
$ forever start app.js

Features and Personal Configuration


  • Front Desk: Homepage + List Page + Search Page + Category Page + Tab Page
  • Backstage: article management + user management
  • Responsive, article anchor navigation, back to top, markdown code highlighting, mathjax support
  • Users: users on the site, users authorized to log in by a third-party github
  • Users can comment and reply, as well as the status of mail notification reply
  • md file import and export function! You can directly upload the md file to generate an article
  • Separation of private and public articles
  • One-click comment without registration
  • Homepage background
  • Top of article
  • Gossip
  • Get the mailbox secret dynamically
  • Password transmission encryption
  • Background chart
  • Share Link for the admain to manage the visiablity of the private article
  • Smart Recommendation (Related Recommendation)

Personalized Configuration

Personalized configuration is configured through src/config.js

import React from 'react'
import { Icon } from 'antd'
import SvgIcon from '@/components/SvgIcon'

import Href from '@/components/Href'
import MyInfo from '@/views/web/about/MyInfo'
import {GithubFill} from 'utils/antdIcon'
export const API_BASE_URL = ''
// export const API_BASE_URL = ''
// project config
export const HEADER_BLOG_NAME = '菜园子' // header title 

// === sidebar
export const SIDEBAR = {
    avatar: require('@/assets/images/avatar.jpeg'), // sidebar image
    title: '种菜的小朋友', // title
    subTitle: 'Carpe diem', // subtitle
    // personal website
    homepages: {
    github: {
        link: 'https://github.com/faultaddr',
        icon: <GithubFill className='homepage-icon' /> 
    juejin: {
        link: 'https://juejin.im/user/96412755827687',
        icon: <SvgIcon type='iconjuejin' className='homepage-icon' />
    //frindslink in sidebar
    friendslink: {
    lizi: {
        link: 'http://blog.liziyang.co/',
        img: 'http://blog.liziyang.co/images/pikachu.jpg',
    wizchen: {
        link: 'http://blog.wizchen.com',
        img: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/wizcheu/content1@main/img/header.gif'

// === discuss avatar
export const DISCUSS_AVATAR = SIDEBAR.avatar // your default avatar in comment line
 * github config
export const GITHUB = {
    enable: true, // github 第三方授权开关
    client_id: '87a4f88b943adaafd44a', // Setting > Developer setting > OAuth applications => client_id
    url: 'https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize' // github auth page

export const ABOUT = {
    avatar: SIDEBAR.avatar,
    describe: SIDEBAR.subTitle,
    discuss: true, // open the comment function on 'about me' page 
    renderMyInfo: <MyInfo /> // 我的介绍 自定义组件 => src/views/web/about/MyInfo.jsx

// 公告 announcement
export const ANNOUNCEMENT = {
    enable: true, // 是否开启
    content: (
        <Href href='https://www.yuque.com/zhongcaidexiaopengyou/kb'> panyunyi's note</Href>

Personalized Information Configuration

Personal information is configured through src/view/web/about/index.jsx

import React from 'react'

// components
import { Divider, Rate, Icon, Avatar } from 'antd'
import Href from '@/components/Href'
import SvgIcon from '@/components/SvgIcon'
// rate is the star
// label is your skills
const skills = [
    label: '具备扎实的Java功底,熟练了解各种特性',
    rate: '5'
    label: '具备扎实的Python功底,熟练了解各类特性',
    rate: '5'
    label: '具备扎实的 Javascript 基础,熟练使用 ES6+ 语法。',
    rate: 4
    label: '具备不那么扎实的 C++ 基础,没熟练了解各类特性',
    rate: 3
    label: 'Android 顶级玩家',
    rate: 5
    label: '熟悉 React 并理解其原理,熟悉 Vue 框架及其用法。',
    rate: 5
    label: '熟悉 Flask/Django 并理解其原理,熟悉各类用法。',
    rate: 5
    label: 'Spring 全家桶爱好者,后端中级开发者,netty/kafka/hadoop/Storm/Spark',
    rate: '3'
    label: '3D 轻量级玩家,openGL小菜,3D shape segmentation & 3D scene segmentation',
    rate: '3'
    label: '熟练使用 Webpack 打包工具,熟悉常用工程化和模块化方案。',
    rate: 4
    label: '熟悉 Koa、Mysql,针对需求可以做到简单的数据库设计、接口的开发与设计!',
    rate: 3
    label: '熟悉 HTTP 协议,缓存、性能优化、安全等,了解浏览器原理。',
    rate: 4
    label: '熟悉常用的算法与数据结构',
    rate: 3

const MyInfo = () => {
  return (

      <Divider orientation='center'>关于我</Divider>

      <ul className='about-list'>
        <li>Bachelor: **财经大学(CUFE)CS</li>
        <li>Master: 南京大学(NJU)CS</li>
          Contact me:
          <Icon type='qq' /> 779087031
          <Divider type='vertical' />
          <SvgIcon type='iconemail' style={{ marginRight: 5, transform: 'translateY(2px)' }} />
          <a href='mailto:cuferpan@gmail.com'>cuferpan@gmail.com</a>
        <li>Work Base:ShangHai</li>
          friends link:
          <Href href='http://blog.liziyang.co/'>栗子栗子</Href>
          <Divider type='vertical' />
            {skills.map((item, i) => (
              <li key={i}>
                <Rate defaultValue={item.rate} disabled />
            <li>常用开发工具: idea、pycharm、vim、vscode、webstorm、git</li>
            <li>熟悉的 UI 框架: antd、element-ui</li>
            <li>ICPR 2020: Two Stage Scene Segmentation Base on Self-attention Mechanism</li>
            <li> 安徽大学学报: 图核综述 </li>
            <li> 专利: 一种基于机器学习的CME事件跟踪方法 </li>
            <li> 译著: 计算机视觉基础 </li>

export default MyInfo

Background sensitive information configuration

Sensitive information in the background is configured through server\config\index.js, including the startup port of the background, the configuration of the database, and the configuration of the email notification of comments.

const devMode = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
const config = {
  PORT: 6060, // start port
  ADMIN_GITHUB_LOGIN_NAME: 'faultaddr', // your github name
    client_id: '87a4f88b943adaafd44a',
    client_secret: '9494809fc485d93084452fbf8b21ba2a829bfb82',
    access_token_url: 'https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token',
    fetch_user_url: 'https://api.github.com/user', // 用于 oauth2
    fetch_user: 'https://api.github.com/user' // fetch user url https://api.github.com/users/gershonv
    // mail notification
    // detail: https://nodemailer.com/
    enable: true, // switcher
    transporterConfig: {
      host: 'smtp.qq.com',
      port: 465,
      secure: true, // true for 465, false for other ports
      auth: {
        user: '779087031@qq.com', // generated ethereal user
        pass: 'f2bbfe7cf1bcb8253a65c06701fbbbbf8c910be44ecc1a430497d4879db0d71d' // generated ethereal password 
    subject: 'panyunyi的博客 - 您的评论获得新的回复!', // subject for the notification mail
    // main content of the mail
    text: '您的评论获得新的回复!',
    WEB_HOST: 'http://www.panyunyi.cn' // email callback url
  TOKEN: {
    secret: 'root', // secret is very important!
    expiresIn: '720h' // token exist time
    database: 'test',
    user: 'root',
    password: '123456Root!',
    options: {
      host: 'localhost', //  host ip
      dialect: 'mysql', // sql dilect
      pool: {
        max: 5,
        min: 0,
        acquire: 30000,
        idle: 10000
      define: {
        timestamps: false, // timestamps is set to 'off' default
        freezeTableName: true // table name not add s in default
      timezone: '+08:00'

// production env configuration
if (!devMode) {
  console.log('env production....')

  // ==== configure database
  config.DATABASE = {
    database: '', // database name
    user: '', // user name
    password: '' // password

  // configure github auth
  config.GITHUB.client_id = ''
  config.GITHUB.client_secret = ''

  // ==== configure token secret key
  config.TOKEN.secret = ''

  // ==== configure mailbox

  // config.EMAIL_NOTICE.enable = true
  config.EMAIL_NOTICE.transporterConfig.auth = {
    user: '779087031@qq.com', // generated ethereal user
    pass: 'f2bbfe7cf1bcb8253a65c06701fbbbbf8c910be44ecc1a430497d4879db0d71d' // generated ethereal password 
  config.EMAIL_NOTICE.WEB_HOST = 'https://panyunyi.cn'

module.exports = config



Star History

Star History Chart


Feel free to dive in! open an issue or submit PRs.

React-blog follows the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.


MIT © Yunyi Pan