
My A-Level computing project

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Competition Manager

Getting Started


Quick Setup

  • Set your enviromental variables. This can be done by creating a .env file or by editing docker-compose.yml
  • Make sure to change the DB password to something else in docker-compose.yml
  • Then run
docker-compose up

This will automatically pull the latest docker container from GitHub Container Registry
You can also pull the image from Docker Hub, but the main location is now GitHub

Building the container yourself

  • Create/Edit .env to set the default variables you want
  • Remove the username (lambarchie) from the competition manager image line or you will not use your version.
  • If you want to edit the variables on a specific deployment you can set an enviromental variable via docker-compose.yml to change the config
  • Make sure to change the DB password to something else, either using the .env file or setting it in docker-compose.yml
  • Then run
git clone https://github.com/LambArchie/Competition-Manager.git
docker build -t competition-manager .
docker-compose up



  • Python 3 (3.7 and above only is offically supported)
    • pip & venv for the same version above
  • Postgres (if using in production)
    • psycopg2 (Postgres connector) - Requirements
      • libpq-dev
      • build-essentials
      • gcc
      • python3-dev (for the version of python used e.g. python3.7-dev)
      • If cannot install the requirements above replace psycopg2 in requirements.txt with psycopg2-binary. However random segfaults may occur as described on psycopg2 blog


  • To change the config edit .env or set it as an enviromental variable
  • To use postgres
    • Set DATABASE_URL to postgresql+psycopg2://PostgresUser:PostgresPassword@PostgresHost/TableName ensuring the values are changed to your settings.
    • To use another database provider change DATABASE_URL to the relevant SQLAlchemy value. However at this time, apart from postgres and SQLite no active support will be given to the other database providers.
git clone https://github.com/LambArchie/Competition-Manager.git
# venv is recommened to ensure dependances are not updated by other applications
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
# Install python modules using pip.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Run application
gunicorn --bind CompetitionManger:app

Post Setup

  • Go to /setup to register the initial admin account
  • Put a reverse-proxy which can serve HTTPS in front of the application.
    E.g. traefik, nginx, caddy, haproxy. This is also recommended for the docker image.


Homepage Editing

  • Create a file at app/home/templates/custom-index.html and this will be used instead of the default homepage.
  • I have includes two other hompages which can be customised to suit your needs.
    • Carousel contains a slideshow. To add images to it place files in app/home/files/img/
    • Cover uses the background image found at app/home/files/img/background.jpg. The file used can be changed by editing cover.css then minifying and updating the integrity inside custom-index.html
    • Using docker you can mount a volume at these locations, allowing you to easily use this feature.