Here are any notes regarding setting this up and streaming it.
To get vs code to be streamable by obs, it must be launched without hardware acceleration through windows powershell:
code --disable-gpu
For data security reasons it may be desired to hide certain files from the explorer and search in vs code. This can be done using the exclude settings. File > Preferences > Settings search for "Files: Exclude" and add a pattern to hide the files you want. For example in my project, I've decided that any files with sensitive information like api keys, I will call .acecfg files. This rule excludes them all from vs code:
The application expects a config file with twitter keys to be located in the config folder <keys.acecfg> This file should contain only 4 lines with the keys provided by and should have them in this order keys.acecfg { API_KEY API_SECRET_KEY ACCESS_TOKEN ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET }