
AIDE is short for Artificial Intelligence Development Environment and is a project that facilitates the creation of AI Applications by providing an event based architecture and semantic UI tools.

Primary LanguagePython


AIDE is short for Artificial Intelligence Development Environment and is a project that facilitates the creation of AI Applications by providing an event based architecture and semantic UI tools.

This repository is under heavy development. Deployable version is coming soon.


Assuming you have ubuntu 16.04, install following:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mongodb docker docker-compose default-jre python2-pip

then add yourself to the docker group

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

and relog.

then, install ROS and setup a catkin workspace.

then, clone this project and the message converter into your workspace's src folder (assuming you are in your catkin workspace):

cd src
git clone git@github.com:Lambda-3/aide.git
git clone git@github.com:vschlegel/rospy_message_converter.git


cd src/aide/aide_core
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

to install the required python libs. Now, build your workspace

#back to your catkin workspace
cd ../../../

Obtain indra, aide-java-packaged, (which is the packaged version of aide-java) and aide-frontend and follow their setup instructions. These projects don't have to be cloned into your catkin workspace. For Indra, the w2v-en-wiki-2014 model is used, change accordingly in aide/aide_core/src/aide_core/apis/indra.py if you want to use another one.

location and weather apis are disabled, if you have keys for those apis (to be added in credentials.py), move them from *.py.bak to .py. same goes for the whatsapp helper script, you will need to obtain the yowsup project for that (sudo pip install yowsup2).

Now, to run AIDE, start the required components:


In your aide-frontend directory:

node_modules/.bin/grunt serve

In your aide-java-packaged directory:

cd csparql/bin

Then start the ROS nodes:

rosrun aide_core rest.py
rosrun aide_core extractor_handler.py
rosrun aide_core action_handler.py
rosrun aide_core api_handler.py
rosrun aide_core event_handler.py

Start some helper scripts

rosrun aide_helpers smart_building.py
rosrun aide_helpers input_reader.py
rosrun aide_helpers ac_control.py

to have some data to work with.