
A backend for the IIT-H Dashboard App

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Online now at https://iith.dev

API Reference

The API features 5 endpoints.


/publish - This is used to register a cab booking.

curl -X POST -d '{"Name": "that", "RollNo": "that", "StartTime": "2011-02-01T09:28:56.321+05:30", "EndTime": "2015-02-01T09:28:56.321+05:30", "RouteID": 9}'

The StartTime and EndTime timestamps indicate the time period in which the booker is conducive to a third party(the sharer) sharing the ride. These should conform to the ISO 8601 format and must be suffixed with +05:30 to indicate IST. The RouteID integer indicates the specific route.


/update - This is used to check whether an update is required from the server. If the user prescribes a time period he is interested in, the app keeps querying this endpoint at specific intervals, to see whether a booking which overlaps with this period has been registered.

curl -X POST -d '{"QueryTimeStart": "2010-02-01T09:27:56.321+05:30", "QueryTimeEnd": "2012-02-01T09:27:56.321+05:30", "RouteID": 10}'

If a booking containing that QueryTime has been registered:



/query - Returns a JSON object with all the bookings registered on the server. Just visit and you should see all the bookings on the database.

Bus Schedules (Public Endpoint)

/v2/bus - Returns the bus schedules

curl https://iith.dev/v2/bus

Mess Menu (Public Endpoint)


curl https://iith.dev/dining