A simple Chrome extension which generates a randomized list of participants on a Google Meet call. I built this to make our large group meetings easier, as it's often difficult to determine who has already given their update or who should be next. This extension can also be used to take attendance or randomly select participants.
It includes 4 commands:
- Copy (copies the list of names to the clipboard)
- Randomize (generates a randomly sorted list of names)
- Resync (keeps the list order the same, but adds / removes guests who have joined or left)
- Autopost to chat (when enabled it automatically posts the list of names to the chat window)
Google does not offer an API for Google Meet, so this extension makes many assumptions about the Google Meet UI. It will probably break when Google updates their interface. Open a PR or create an issue should you experience any issues.
Edit 2021 - as predicted, this extension broke a few times as Google updated their interface. Just shoot me an email or open an issue if you experience any problems.
You are welcome to contribute to this project and I encourage you to open a PR if you have any ideas / improvements.
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