
Easy Interface to deal with multiple queues and Synchronization in swift on macOS and linux.

Primary LanguageSwift


Easy Interface to deal with multiple queues and Synchronization in swift on macOS and linux.

Example Create a pool of Thread

let pool = GCDPooling(quantity: 2)
// as of now you have 2 global queues within your pool

pool.runOnto(queueAtIndex: 0, completion: {
  print("First Queue Working Hard")

pool.runOnto(queueAtIndex: 1, completion: {
  print("Second Queue Working Hard")

// runOnto method is how we place computation within a queue within our pool

pool.notify {
// notify would be invoked when all jobs have been completed.

Lock block code

let sema = Semaphore(numberOfOps: 1)
// Sempahore is a nice wrapper around DispatchSemaphore

sema.lock {
  print("placed important block of code")
// lock places your code in between both wait & signal

Questions & Concerns/Issues

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