
A dotnet standard package for the Daybreak Games Company Census API

Primary LanguageLessMIT LicenseMIT


This Repository is Archived! Future versions of this Library may be found HERE


This package is unofficial and is NOT in any way supported by Daybreak Games.

All use of game data and other content must comply with Daybreak Games Intellectual Property policy and Daybreak Game Company's Terms of Service.

DaybreakGames.Census is a library that makes it much easier to use the Census API provided by Daybreak Games Company.

For a full demonstration check out the DemoApp!

Table of Contents


DaybreakGames.Census is available via NuGet.

To inject DaybreakGames.Census services into your project add services.AddCensusServices(); to your ConfigureServices block.

Creating a new query

To start creating queries, use ICensusQueryFactory via DI and call ICensusQueryFactory.Create(<serviceName>) to get a CensusQuery object.

public MyClass(ICensusQueryFactory censusFactory)
    var query = censusFactory.Create("character");

SetServiceId and SetServiceNamespace are optional. If not set than the values provided in AddCensusServices() are used. Otherwise it defaults to ServiceId="example" and ServiceNamespace="ps2:v2".

Returning data from the query

There are three methods of query resolution: GetAsync<T>(), GetListAsync<T>(), and GetBatchAsync<T>(). A model can be passed in that deserializes to the expected census model that matches Pascal Case versions of the census properties (i.e character_id becomes CharacterId). For other cases, the [JsonProperty] decorators should be respected.

If a model is not given than the default return type is as a JToken.

var resultJToken = await query.GetAsync();

Setting global parameters

If your application is always using the same service id and namespace you might as well set it globally so you don't have to configure it with every query.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddCensusServices(options =>
                options.CensusServiceId = "my-service-id";
                options.CensusServiceNamespace = "ps2";

Defining a condition


The following operations and their equivalent syntax is below:

  • Equals: =
  • NotEquals: =!
  • IsLessThan: =<
  • IsLessThanOrEquals: =[
  • IsGreaterThan: =>
  • IsGreaterThanOrEquals: =]
  • StartsWith: =^
  • Contains: =*

Setting a language




No language is set by default so you will receive all localized strings if available.

Show certain fields

query.ShowFields("character_id"[, "field2", "field3", ...]);

Hide certain fields

query.HideFields("currency"[, "field2", "field3", ...]);

Set a limit for number of rows to return


Set the starting row


Add a resolve

query.AddResolve("world"[, "resolve2", "resolve3", ...]);

Join to another service

var worldJoin = query.JoinService("characters_world");

Join objects have the following methods:

  • IsList(bool)
  • IsOuterJoin(bool)
  • ShowFields(array): See the 'Show certain fields' section above
  • HideFields(array): See the 'Hide certain fields' section above
  • OnField(string)
  • ToField(string)
  • InjectAt(string)
  • Where(string): See the 'Defining a condition' section above
  • JoinService(string): Returns another join object for sub joining

Tree results on a field

var query = queryFactory.Create("vehicle");
var vehicleTree = query.TreeField("type_id");

Tree objects have the following methods:

  • IsList(bool)
  • GroupPrefix(string)
  • StartField(string)
  • TreeField(string): Returns another tree object for sub grouping

Getting the url of the query

Uri uri = query.GetUri();

Streaming data

This package also allows you to leverage the Census' websocket service to get data in real time. Inject ICensusStreamClient and subcribe to events. See the WebsocketMonitor class in the DemoApp for a full example.