Pinned Repositories
Air Defence System contains: (Three micro-controllers Atmega16) Radar, Wind_Speed meter, Missile_Launcher as inputs and Target_Serine, Alarm_Serine as outputs. Radar gives you the number of detected target, Wind_Speed meter gives you analog signal which is propotional to the measured wind speed, Missile_Launcher has 8 missiles; reads a digital value to determine which missile out of 8 should be launched. when radar detects target, sys immediately activates the Target_Serine. If the reading of radar indicates more than 8 targets; system activates Alarm_Serine.
Create Flask App to detect and multi-class classify the Arabic dialects.
Develop Bayesian inference and modeling using Factor Graphs for Probabilistic machine learning user interface to facilitate building new graph models for front end developers designed with WPF by C# and languages using Microsoft Visual Studio.
Hyperparameter Tuning Script using Keras_tuner and Tensorboard
System designed by real-time operating system with Dynamic and Static Architectures and making a scheduler between tasks.
In this project, you’ll apply the skills you learned in Introduction to Python and Intermediate Python to solve a real-world data science problem. You’ll press “watch next episode” to discover if Netflix’s movies are getting shorter over time and which guest stars appear in the most popular episode of "The Office", using everything from lists and loops to pandas and matplotlib. You’ll also gain experience in an essential data science skill — exploratory data analysis. This will allow you to perform critical tasks such as manipulating raw data and drawing conclusions from plots you create of the data. Press play to begin!
Task: • Build all java needed classes (POJO , DAO, web service and a tester client for the web service) • Make a web service to get the following from the data set: 1. Read data set and convert it to dataframe or Spark RDD and display some from it. 2. Display structure and summary of the data. 3. Clean the data (null, duplications) 4. Count the jobs for each company and display that in order (What are the most demanding companies for jobs?) 5. Show step 4 in a pie chart 6. Find out What are it the most popular job titles? 7. Show step 6 in bar chart 8. Find out the most popular areas? 9. Show step 8 in bar chart 10. Print skills one by one and how many each repeated and order the output to find out the most important skills required? 11. Factorize the YearsExp feature and convert it to numbers in new col. (Bounce ) 12. Apply K-means for job title and companies (Bounce )
implementation for different optimizations protocols: Batch Gradient Descent, Mini-Batch Gradient Descent, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Momentum Gradient Descent, NAG Algorithm, Adagrad Algorithm, RMS-Prop Algorithm, Adam Algorithm.
Creating Dashboard visualization project for Students' Performance Levels.
Deal with Egyptian Pyramids CSV dataset. Prepare it and print the basic data about each pyramid. Dataset preparation/transformation, Build a Pyramid class to define a Dataset preparation/transformation, Build a PyramidCSVDAO class to: Read pyramids.csv file. Create List of Pyramids objects for each pyramid in the csv file Do not forget to validate the values you make all needed conversion. Prototype for all information you will extract from CSV for each pyramid.
Lamyaa-Zayed's Repositories
implementation for different optimizations protocols: Batch Gradient Descent, Mini-Batch Gradient Descent, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Momentum Gradient Descent, NAG Algorithm, Adagrad Algorithm, RMS-Prop Algorithm, Adam Algorithm.
Creating Dashboard visualization project for Students' Performance Levels.
I show you how to get started with the Infer.NET library by computing ratings for a set of competitors using head-to-head results. A good way to get an idea of probabilistic programming. This demo sets up six competitors (think sports teams): Angels, Bruins, Comets, Demons, Eagles and Flyers.
Target is to predict which country a new user's first booking destination will be. Dataset Link on Kaggle:
Workshop Algorithms
Create Flask App to detect and multi-class classify the Arabic dialects.
Develop Bayesian inference and modeling using Factor Graphs for Probabilistic machine learning user interface to facilitate building new graph models for front end developers designed with WPF by C# and languages using Microsoft Visual Studio.
Tutorial repo for an end-to-end Data Science project
Free course that takes you from zero to Reinforcement Learning PRO 🦸🏻🦸🏽
Hyperparameter Tuning Script using Keras_tuner and Tensorboard
Introduction to Computer Vision (Udacity Course)
You're given images of handwritten Arabic characters and you're required to recognize the character.
Evaluation ITI - AI Pro Timeline It's simple. You are given a set of features extracted from the shape of the beans in images and it's required to predict the type of each bean. There are 7 bean types in this dataset.
You are provided hourly rental data along with weather data. For this competition, the training set is comprised of the first 20 days of each month, while the test set is the 21th to the end of the month. You must predict the total count of bikes rented during each hour covered by the test set, using only information available prior to the rental period.
Creating UI by WPF designed by MVVM to add first and last names of customers then hit submit buttons to appears his full name and its added date but it should insert both names else the submit button will get deactivated.
Creating UI by WPF App designed by MVVM architecture with two user controls, when clicking on customer name or its id then immediately his attached order information appears.
NLP Projects
Repository to track the progress in Natural Language Processing (NLP), including the datasets and the current state-of-the-art for the most common NLP tasks.
Official Joke API!
Recommender Systems Project contains content based, user based, item based, collaborative filtering and many similarity matrices.
Reinforcement Learning implementation with Tensor flow Keras
making timer with RX.
Creating a Drag and Drop demo by WPF C# program on Visual Studio 2019, making shapes which drags and couldn't drop in any position except one big rectangle.
A toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.
Learn OpenCV in 4 Hours - Code used in my Python and OpenCV course on freeCodeCamp.
Problem Solving Training for computer science students.
semantic segmentation project on kitti data set as part of ITI AI-Pro internship graduation project
Udacity Introduction to Computer Vision codes