
This is a compilation of programs that can pad and sort C structs. They can also generate docs that can then be sync'd with their associated structs

Primary LanguagePython


This is a compilation of programs that can pad and sort C structs. They can also generate docs that can then be sync'd with their associated structs


  • A C structure typedef template. It is recompiled in a sense, and filled with the necessary pads so that it is functional.
  • A document can also be generated and syncronized and merged with structs.


  • POINTER_SIZE in StructPadder.py may need to be modified as it is system dependent. It defaults to 32-bit
  • int_types_long in StructPadder.py indicates whether unsigned/signed ints are displayed like uint32_t, or u32.
  • known_types is a dictionary in StructPadder.py that specifies the sizes for all known types, including primitives and custom types.

StructPadder Module

This essentially takes in incomplete structs, and makes them functional for use. If they are functional, they remain functional but may be prettied up anyway!

  • Input: A C Struct. It can but does not have to be padded or sorted.
  • Output: A padded and sorted C Struct.

StructDocGenerator Module

Because the generation and syncing of structs is automated, this documentation format is for in-depth docs of each member of the struct. It can generate structures from documents, documents from structures, and it can merge structures into the document.

  • I/O: Can generate docs from a struct and vice versa.