AirBnB clone - The console

First step: Write a command interpreter to manage your AirBnB objects.

This is the first step towards building your first full web application: the AirBnB clone. This first step is very important because you will use what you build during this project with all other following projects: HTML/CSS templating, database storage, API, front-end integration…

Each task is linked and will help you to:

  • Put in place a parent class (called BaseModel) to take care of the initialization, serialization and deserialization of your future instances
  • Create a simple flow of serialization/deserialization: Instance <-> Dictionary <-> JSON string <-> file
  • Create all classes used for AirBnB (User, State, City, Place…) that inherit from BaseModel
  • Create the first abstracted storage engine of the project: File storage.
  • Create all unittests to validate all our classes and storage engine



  • Files, AUTHORS

Task 1: Be pycodestyle compliant!

  • Descrip Write beautiful code that passes the pycodestyle checks.

Task 2: Unittests

  • File tests/
  • Descrip All your files, classes, functions must be tested with unit tests

Task 3: BaseModel

  • Files models/, models/, tests/
  • Descrip Write a class BaseModel that defines all common attributes/methods for other classes:

Task 4: Create BaseModel from dictionary

  • Files models/, tests/
  • Descrip Previously we created a method to generate a dictionary representation of an instance (method to_dict()). Now it’s time to re-create an instance with this dictionary representation.

Task 5: Store first object

  • Files models/engine/, models/engine/, models/, models/, tests/
  • Descrip Now we can recreate a BaseModel from another one by using a dictionary representation: It’s great but it’s still not persistent: every time you launch the program, you don’t restore all objects created before… The first way you will see here is to save these objects to a file.
  • Writing the dictionary representation to a file won’t be relevant:
    • Python doesn’t know how to convert a string to a dictionary (easily)
    • It’s not human readable
    • Using this file with another program in Python or other language will be hard.

Task 6: Console 0.0.1

  • File
  • Descrip Write a program called that contains the entry point of the command interpreter:

Task 7: Console 0.1

  • File
  • Descrip Update your command interpreter ( to have these commands:
  • create: Creates a new instance of BaseModel, saves it (to the JSON file) and prints the id. Ex: $ create BaseModel
  • show: Prints the string representation of an instance based on the class name and id. Ex: $ show BaseModel 1234-1234-1234
  • destroy: Deletes an instance based on the class name and id (save the change into the JSON file). Ex: $ destroy BaseModel 1234-1234-1234.
  • all: Prints all string representation of all instances based or not on the class name. Ex: $ all BaseModel or $ all.
  • update: Updates an instance based on the class name and id by adding or updating attribute (save the change into the JSON file). Ex: $ update BaseModel 1234-1234-1234 email "".

Task 8: First User

  • Files models/, models/engine/``,, tests/
  • Descrip Write a class User that inherits from BaseModel:
  • models/
  • Public class attributes:
    • email: string - empty string
    • password: string - empty string
    • first_name: string - empty string
    • last_name: string - empty string

Task 9: More classes!

  • Files, models/engine/, tests/
  • Descrip Write all those classes that inherit from BaseModel:
  • State (models/
    • Public class attributes:
      • name: string - empty string
  • City (models/
    • Public class attributes:
      • state_id: string - empty string: it will be the
      • name: string - empty string
  • Amenity (models/
    • Public class attributes:
      • state_id: string - empty string: it will be the
      • name: string - empty string
  • Place (models/
    • Public class attributes:
      • city_id: string - empty string: it will be the
      • user_id: string - empty string: it will be the
      • name: string - empty string
      • description: string - empty string
      • number_rooms: integer - 0
      • number_bathrooms: integer - 0
      • max_guest: integer - 0
      • price_by_night: integer - 0
      • latitude: float - 0.0
      • longitude: float - 0.0
      • amenity_ids: list of string - empty list: it will be the list of later
  • Review (models/
    • Public class attributes:
      • place_id: string - empty string: it will be the
      • user_id: string - empty string: it will be the
      • text: string - empty string

Task 10: All instances by class name

  • File:
  • Descrip: Update your command interpreter ( to retrieve the number of instances of a class: .count().

Task 11: All instances by class name

  • File:
  • Descrip: Update your command interpreter ( to retrieve all instances of a class by using: .all().

Task 12: Count instances

  • File:
  • Descrip: Update your command interpreter ( to retrieve the number of instances of a class: .count().

Task 13: Show

  • File:
  • Descrip: Update your command interpreter ( to retrieve an instance based on its ID: .show().

Task 14: Destroy

  • File:
  • Descrip: Update your command interpreter ( to destroy an instance based on his ID: .destroy().

Task 15: Update

  • File:
  • Descrip: Update your command interpreter ( to update an instance based on his ID: .update(, , ).

Task 16: Update from dictionary

  • File:
  • Descrip: Update your command interpreter ( to update an instance based on his ID with a dictionary: .update(, ).

Task 17: Unittests for the Console!

  • File: tests/
  • Descrip: Write all unittests for, all features!

0x01. AirBnB clone - Web static

Now that you have a command interpreter for managing your AirBnB objects, it’s time to make them alive!

Before developing a big and complex web application, we will build the front end step-by-step.

The first step is to “design” / “sketch” / “prototype” each element:

Create simple HTML static pages

  • Style guide
  • Fake contents
  • No Javascript
  • No data loaded from anything

alt text

Task 0: Inline styling

  • File: 0-index.html
  • Descrip: Write an HTML page that displays a header and a footer.

Task 1: Head styling

  • File: 1-index.html
  • Descrip: Write an HTML page that displays a header and a footer by using the style tag in the head tag (same as 0-index.html)

Task 2: CSS files

  • Files: 2-index.html, styles/2-common.css, styles/2-header.css, styles/2-footer.css
  • Descrip: Write an HTML page that displays a header and a footer by using CSS files (same as 1-index.html)

Task 3: Zoning done!

  • Files: 3-index.html, styles/3-common.css, styles/3-header.css, styles/3-footer.css, images
  • Descrip: Write an HTML page that displays a header and footer by using CSS files (same as 2-index.html)

Task 4: Search!

  • Files: 4-index.html, styles/4-common.css, styles/3-header.css, styles/3-footer.css,, styles/4-filters.css, images/
  • Descrip: Write an HTML page that displays a header, footer and a filters box with a search button.

Task 5: More filters

  • Files: 5-index.html, styles/4-common.css, styles/3-header.css, styles/3-footer.css, styles/5-filters.css, images/
  • Descrip: Write an HTML page that displays a header, footer and a filters box.

Task 6: It's (h)over

  • Files: 6-index.html, styles/4-common.css, styles/3-header.css, styles/3-footer.css, styles/6-filters.css, images/
  • Descrip: Write an HTML page that displays a header, footer and a filters box with dropdown.

Task 7: Display results

  • Files: 7-index.html, styles/4-common.css, styles/3-header.css, styles/3-footer.css, styles/6-filters.css, styles/7-places.css, images/
  • Descrip: Write an HTML page that displays a header, footer, a filters box with dropdown and results.

Task 8: More details

  • Files: 8-index.html, styles/4-common.css, styles/3-header.css, styles/3-footer.css, styles/6-filters.css, styles/8-places.css, images/
  • Descrip: Write an HTML page that displays a header, a footer, a filter box (dropdown list) and the result of the search.