Terraform Custom Provider for Domain Management

This Terraform custom provider is designed for managing domains.

Supported Versions

Terraform version minimum provider version maxmimum provider version
>= 1.3.x 0.1.1 latest


  • Terraform 1.3.x
  • Go 1.21 (to build the provider plugin)

Local Installation

  1. Run make file make install-local-domain-management to install the provider under ~/.terraform.d/plugins.

  2. The provider source should be change to the path that configured in the Makefile:

    terraform {
      required_providers {
        domain-management = {
          source = "example.local/myklst/domain-management"
    provider "domain-management" {
      url = "http://localhost:10800


  • domain-management_domain_annotations

    This resource is desgined to accept a domain name, and a Dynamic Terraform Object with a JSON like syntax, which will be assigned as annotations to the domain.

  • Data Type Rules

  1. Dot . and dollar sign $ are not allowed for key name.
  2. Null value or empty value on right hand side is not allowed.
  3. Object cannot be empty.
  4. List / Set / Tuple cannot have length of zero.
  5. List / Set / Tuple must have contents that are of a single type.
  6. List / Set / Tuple of objects, the object must have the exact same keys and nested keys.
  • Data structure recommendations

  1. Flat data structure is accepted.
resource "..." "example" {
  domain = test.com
  annotations = {
		"common/devops/status" = true
		"common/devops/last-run" = "yesterday"
  1. Object data structure is also accepted.
resource "..." "example" {
  domain = test.com
  annotations = {
		"common/devops" = {
			status = true
			"last-run" = "yesterday"
  1. Note that in the two examples above common/devops and common/devops/status are stored as two separate root keys in the database. They will not be merged.
  2. When in doubt, follow Kubernetes labels and annotations style.
  3. Use tolist([1,2,3]) to avoid using tuple. Tuple is not ordered and will cause terraform to see it as configuration drift.
  • Terraform Resource Lifecyle

  1. Each terraform module is responsible for their own annotations.
  2. Module A would not, and should not interfere with annotations of Module B.
  3. Each module takes ownership of single or multiple root keys, by having the equivalent key in its statefile.
  • DB Data
annotations = {
	common/A = {...}
	common/B = {...}
	common/C = {...}
  • ModuleA
resource "..." "example" {
  domain = test.com
  annotations = {
		"common/A" = {
			status = true
  • ModuleB
resource "..." "example" {
  domain = test.com
  annotations = {
		"common/B" = {
			status = false
  1. If root key exists, further Create reqest of the same key will fail.
  2. Update is used to update the entire right hand side of a key.
  3. Update cannot be used on a non-existent root key.
  4. In Terraform's update lifecycle, root keys may be created, updated or deleted. Each will be handled by separate API calls.

Data Sources

  • domain-management_domain_filter

    This resource is desgined to filter domains based on key value, namely filter by labels and / or filter by tags. This data source returns a list of string of domain names for further use in domain-management_domain_annotations.