
Simple CRUD application that uses ElasticSearch as a lookup for a filesystem.

Primary LanguagePython


Simple CRUD application that uses ElasticSearch as a lookup for a filesystem.

Containerised and deployed using docker-compose.


  • Python == 3.8
  • Docker
  • docker-compose

How to run

# Create a virtual environment, activate and install requirements
$ python -m virtualenv crud-es-venv
$ source crud-es-venv/bin/activate

# Install requirements
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Quick start

# Run the application! 
$ docker-compose up --build

For development

# Install the package in development mode
$ pip install 

For testing

Option 1:

Apologies for the crude testing...

docker-compose up --build

cd test/bash

# Upload a file and check it's on the filesystem
bash test_put.sh
less /var/www/test_put.sh

# Edit the test_get file to point to your file id
bash test_get.sh
less test.sh

# Edit the test_delete file to point to your file id
bash test_delete.sh
less /var/www/test_put.sh

Option 2:


# First run unit tests
$ cd test
$ ./run_pytests.sh

# Then run integration tests
$ ./run_integration_tests.sh

Option 3


cd test/features