
A snarky Alexa skill.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bad Stepmom

Bad Stepmom is an Alexa skill with two primary pieces of functionality.

  • She can set reminders, but will only tell you about those reminders when she is launched after the time for the reminder has expired.
  • She can define any english word in the Oxford English Dictionary. These definitions are presented in a condescending manner.

She can also accept a wide variety of requests for many other things, but she will always give a snarky denial for any of those requests.

Some examples:

Alexa tell Bad Stepmom to remind me to get groceries tomorrow.

Yea, okay, whatever, sure.

Alexa ask Bad Stepmom what movies are playing tonight.

Why would I do that?

Alexa ask Bad Stepmom to please make a reservation for two at Three Forks next Friday.

You have terrible taste and I'm not going to do that.

Alexa ask Bad Stepmom to define galvanize.

Oh, you need to know about galvanize? Well, I bet you didn't know it is shock or excite (someone) into taking action, or coat (iron or steel) with a protective layer of zinc. And how could you know that it comes from early 19th century (in the sense ‘stimulate by electricity’): from French galvaniser (see Galvani, Luigi). Now consider yourself educated.