
The code and data resource of CIKM2020 paper 《Leveraging Historical Interaction Data for ImprovingConversational Recommender System》

Primary LanguagePython

This code is the first version of our paper, Leveraging historical interaction data for improving conversational recommender system

This paper presented a pre-training approach for conversational recommendation task, which focused on leveraging the item sequence from user history and attribute sequence from conversation data effectively. Based on a self-attentive architecture, our approach designed two pre-training tasks, namely Masked Item Prediction (MIP) and the Substituted Attributes Discrimination (SAD). We further improved our pre-training method by introducing a negative generator to produce high-quality negative samples. Experimental results on two datasets demonstrated the effectiveness of our approach for conversational recommendation task.




To use our code and data, we present a pipeline as following:

1.Pre-training our model via negative sampling from SASRec. For convenience, we give a pre-learned checkpoint file of SASRec for usage.

python run.py --load_dict_gen model_gen/net_parameter1.pkl 

2.Fine-tuning our model on Downstream tasks. And our code will record the performance on test set during training. (Due to the privacy-protection policy, one of our dataset Meituan can not be released.)

python run.py --is_finetune True --load_dict_gen model_gen/net_parameter1.pkl --load_dict_dis model/net_parameter1.pkl --save_dict model/ft_parameter1.pkl

Thanks for your citation

If you use our code, please kindly cite our paper as following:

  title={Leveraging historical interaction data for improving conversational recommender system},
  author={Zhou, Kun and Zhao, Wayne Xin and Wang, Hui and Wang, Sirui and Zhang, Fuzheng and Wang, Zhongyuan and Wen, Ji-Rong},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information \& Knowledge Management},