Re-ranking Person Re-identification with k-reciprocal Encoding

============= This code has the source code for the paper "Re-ranking Person Re-identification with k-reciprocal Encoding".

If you find this code useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={Re-ranking Person Re-identification with k-reciprocal Encoding},
  author={Zhong, Zhun and Zheng, Liang and Cao, Donglin and Li, Shaozi},

Requirements: Caffe

Requirements for Caffe and matcaffe (see: Caffe installation instructions)


  1. Build Caffe and matcaffe

    cd $Re-ranking_ROOT/caffe
    # Now follow the Caffe installation instructions here:
    make -j8 && make matcaffe
  2. Download pre-computed imagenet models, Market-1501 dataset and CUHK03 dataset

Please download the pre-trained imagenet models and put it in the "data/imagenet_models" folder.
Please download Market-1501 dataset and unzip it in the "evaluation/data/Market-1501" folder. 
Please download CUHK03 dataset and unzip it in the "evaluation/data/CUHK03" folder.

The new training/testing protocol for CUHK03

The new training/testing protocol split for CUHK03 in our paper is in the "evaluation/data/CUHK03/" folder.

  • cuhk03_new_protocol_config_detected.mat
  • cuhk03_new_protocol_config_labeled.mat

Training IDE model and testing with our re-ranking method

  1. Training
cd $Re-ranking_ROOT
# train IDE ResNet_50 for Market-1501

# train IDE ResNet_50 for CUHK03
  1. Feature Extraction
cd $Re-ranking_ROOT/evaluation
# extract feature for Market-1501
matlab Market_1501_extract_feature.m

# extract feature for CUHK03
matlab CUHK03_extract_feature.m
  1. Evaluation with our re-ranking method
# evaluation for Market-1501
matlab Market_1501_evaluation.m
# evaluation for CUHK03
matlab CUHK03_evaluation.m


You can download our pre-trained IDE models and IDE features, and put them in the "out_put" and "evaluation/feat" folder, respectively.

Using the above IDE models and IDE features, you can reproduce the results with our re-ranking method as follows:

  • Market-1501
Methods   Rank@1 mAP
IDE_ResNet_50 + Euclidean 78.92% 55.03%
IDE_ResNet_50 + Euclidean + re-ranking 81.44% 70.39%
IDE_ResNet_50 + XQDA 77.58% 56.06%
IDE_ResNet_50 + XQDA + re-ranking 80.70% 69.98%

For Market-1501, these results are better than those reported in our paper, since we add a dropout = 0.5 layer after pool5.

  • CUHK03
Labeled Labeled detected detected
Methods Rank@1 mAP Rank@1 mAP
IDE_CaffeNet + Euclidean 15.6% 14.9% 15.1% 14.2%
IDE_CaffeNet + Euclidean + re-ranking 19.1% 21.3% 19.3% 20.6%
IDE_CaffeNet + XQDA 21.9% 20.0% 21.1% 19.0%
IDE_CaffeNet + XQDA + re-ranking 25.9% 27.8% 26.4% 26.9%
IDE_ResNet_50 + Euclidean 22.2% 21.0% 21.3% 19.7%
IDE_ResNet_50 + Euclidean + re-ranking 26.6% 28.9% 24.9% 27.3%
IDE_ResNet_50 + XQDA 32.0% 29.6% 31.1% 28.2%
IDE_ResNet_50 + XQDA + re-ranking 38.1% 40.3% 34.7% 37.4%

Contact us

If you have any questions about this code, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Zhun Zhong

Liang Zheng