
Layer 7 DDoS Panel with Cloudflare Bypass ( UAM, CAPTCHA, BFM, etc.. )

Primary LanguagePython

Aura DDoS

DDoS Attack Panel includes CloudFlare Bypass (UAM, CAPTCHA, BFM, etc..)

Don't attack any websites you don't own it
This was created for educational purposes
All responsibilities and disadvantages of using this program is for the user.





  [Layer 7]
 - cfb     | Bypass CF attack
 - pxcfb   | Bypass CF attack with proxy
 - cfreq   | Bypass CF UAM, CAPTCHA, BFM, etc,, with request
 - cfsoc   | Bypass CF UAM, CAPTCHA, BFM, etc,, with socket
 - pxsky   | Bypass Google Project Shield, Vshield, DDoS Guard Free, CF NoSec With Proxy
 - sky     | Sky method without proxy
 - http2   | HTTP 2.0 Request Attack 
 = pxhttp2 | HTTP 2.0 Request Attack With Proxy
 - get     | Get  Request Attack
 - post    | Post Request Attack
 - head    | Head Request Attack
 - soc     | Socket Attack
 - pxraw   | Proxy Request Attack
 - pxsoc   | Proxy Socket Attack
  [Layer 4]
  -udp     | UDP Attack
  -tcp     | TCP Attack
 - Dns     | Classic DNS Lookup
 - Geoip   | Geo IP Address Lookup
 - Subnet  | Subnet IP Address Lookup
 - .proxy  | Getting proxies into proxy.txt
 - .proxies| Counts the number of proxies in the proxy.txt file

Usage on Linux

You must use Python 3.9 or higher

git clone https://github.com/firstapostle/Aura-DDoS.git

Install Python3 modules
 - pip3 install -r requirements.txt  or  pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Chrome (or update it lastest version)
 - wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
 - apt-get install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

 - python3 setup.py

Usage on Termux



Use DDoS Panel   : python3 main.py
Use command line : python3 main.py <method> <target> <thread> <time>
      └──────────> python3 main.py cfb https://example.com 100 30

Contact Developer

 Telegram: @AuraNetz