
GOV.UK Frontend Flask App Template

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

GOV.UK Frontend Flask

govuk-frontend 5.6.0

GOV.UK Frontend Flask is a community tool of the GOV.UK Design System. The Design System team is not responsible for it and cannot support you with using it. Contact the maintainers directly if you need help or you want to request a feature.

This is a template Flask app using the GOV.UK Frontend and GOV.UK Design System which is designed to get a new project started quicker. It is also a reference implementation of two core packages:

The app is provided intentionally bare, with just the essential parts that all services need, such as error pages, accessibility statement, cookie banner, cookie page and privacy notice. It uses a number of other packages to provide the features described below with sensible and best-practice defaults. Please read the next steps section for guidance on how to start building out your app on top of this template.



  • Docker

Getting started

Create a new repository

Create a new repository using this template, with the same directory structure and files. Then clone a local copy of your newly created repository.

Set local environment variables

In the compose.yml file you will find a number of environment variables. These are injected as global variables into the app and pre-populated into page templates as appropriate. Enter your specific service information for the following:


You must also set a new unique SECRET_KEY, which is used to securely sign the session cookie and CSRF tokens. It should be a long random bytes or str. You can use the output of this Python comand to generate a new key:

python -c 'import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex())'

Get the latest GOV.UK Frontend assets


Run containers

docker compose up --build

You should now have the app running on https://localhost/. Accept the browsers security warning due to the self-signed HTTPS certificate to continue.


There are some helpful demos included by default that show all of the components available from GOV.UK Frontend Jinja and a selection of forms and validation patterns from GOV.UK Frontend WTForms. These are located in the app/demos and app/templates/demos directories, along with the demos blueprint. Use them for reference whilst building your service, but make sure to delete them, along with the relevant section in build.sh, before deploying the app.


To run the tests:

python -m pytest --cov=app --cov-report=term-missing --cov-branch


flowchart TB
    web1(Flask app):::WEB
    web2[/Static files/]:::WEB

    Client <-- https:443 --> prox1 <-- http:5000 --> web1
    prox1 -- Read only --> web2
    web1 -- Write --> web2
    web1 <-- redis:6379 --> cache1

    subgraph Proxy container

    subgraph Web container

    subgraph Cache container

    classDef CACHE fill:#F8CECC,stroke:#B85450,stroke-width:2px
    classDef PROXY fill:#D5E8D4,stroke:#82B366,stroke-width:2px
    classDef WEB fill:#FFF2CC,stroke:#D6B656,stroke-width:2px


Please refer to the specific packages documentation for more details.

Asset management

Custom CSS and JavaScript files are merged and minified using Flask Assets and Webassets. This takes all *.css files in app/static/src/css and all *.js files in app/static/src/js and outputs a single minified file to both app/static/dist/css and app/static/dist/js respectively.

CSS is minified using CSSMin and JavaScript is minified using JSMin. This removes all whitespace characters, comments and line breaks to reduce the size of the source code, making its transmission over a network more efficient.

Cache busting

Merged and minified assets are browser cache busted on update by modifying the filename with their MD5 hash using Flask Assets and Webassets. The MD5 hash is appended to the file name, for example custom-d41d8cd9.css instead of a query string, to support certain older browsers and proxies that ignore the querystring in their caching behaviour.

Forms generation and validation

Uses Flask WTF and WTForms to define and validate forms. Forms are rendered in your template using regular Jinja syntax.

Form error handling

If a submitted form has any validation errors, an error summary component is shown at the top of the page, along with individual field error messages. This follows the GOV.UK Design System validation pattern and is built into the base page template.

Flash messages

Messages created with Flask's flash function will be rendered using the GOV.UK Design System notification banner component. By default the blue "important" banner style will be used, unless a category of "success" is passed to use the green version.

CSRF protection

Uses Flask WTF to enable Cross Site Request Forgery protection per form and for the whole app.

CSRF errors are handled by creating a flash message notification banner to inform the user that the form they submitted has expired.

HTTP security headers

  • Forces all connections to https.
  • Enables HTTP Strict Transport Security.
  • Sets Flask's session cookie to secure, so it will never be set if your application is somehow accessed via a non-secure connection.
  • Sets Flask's session cookie to httponly, preventing JavaScript from being able to access its content.
  • Sets X-Frame-Options to SAMEORIGIN to avoid clickjacking.
  • Sets X-Content-Type-Options to prevent content type sniffing.
  • Sets a strict Referrer-Policy of strict-origin-when-cross-origin that governs which referrer information should be included with requests made.

Content Security Policy

A strict Content Security Policy (CSP) is set to mitigate Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and packet sniffing attacks. This prevents loading any resources that are not in the same domain as the application by default.

Permissions Policy

A strict Permissions Policy is set to deny the use of browser features by default.

Response compression

Uses Flask Compress to compress response data. This inspects the Accept-Encoding request header, compresses using either gzip, deflate or brotli algorithms and sets the Content-Encoding response header. HTML, CSS, XML, JSON and JavaScript MIME types will all be compressed.

Rate limiting

Uses Flask Limiter to set request rate limits on routes. The default rate limit is 2 requests per second and 60 requests per minute (whichever is hit first) based on the client's remote IP address. Every time a request exceeds the rate limit, the view function will not get called and instead a HTTP 429 status will be returned.

Rate limit storage can be backed by Redis using the RATELIMIT_STORAGE_URL config value in config.py, or fall back to in-memory if not present. Rate limit information will also be added to various response headers.



This software is provided "as-is" without warranty. Support is provided on a "best endeavours" basis by the maintainers and open source community.

If you are a civil servant you can sign up to the UK Government Digital Slack workspace to contact the maintainers listed above and the community of people using this project in the #govuk-design-system channel.

Otherwise, please see the contribution guidelines for how to raise a bug report or feature request.