
To run application

git clone
cd open_weather_app && bundle install
rspec spec/
rails s

The app will be available via address


  1. Better weather data visualization
  2. Move all string messages from code to locales
  3. Add OpenWeatherMapApi requests caching
  4. Use a DB to store cities and countries data
  5. Make OpenWeatherMapApi requests by city ID
  6. Add storing of 'home' user city
  7. Store a request history for a user (add registration?)
  8. More specs (add VCR gem)
  9. Add city and country field autocompletion
  10. Use AJAX for search requests
  11. Move endpoint and APPID to Settings
  12. Implement a map to allow user to get the weather for any random point
  13. Handle errors on JSON parsing, external service requests, etc