This is a SPICE-like analog circuit simulator, for DC/AC Sweep and Transient (time-domain) analysis.
It mainly supports the following device models:
- BSIM3v3.2 (MOSFET Model)
- CCCS (Current Controlled Current Source)
- CCVS (Current Controlled Voltage Source)
- VCCS (Voltage Controlled Current Source)
- VCVS (Voltage Controlled Voltage Source)
- DC and AC voltage and current sources
- Resistor
- Capacitor
- Inductor
- PN Junction
- and more (by the dynamic link library loader)
And the following sweep methods:
- Linear
- Decade
- Octave
- Logarithm
What I have done:
- MNA (Modified Nodal Analysis) with Newton-Raphson iteration
- GEAR numerical integration
- LU decomposition
- HSPICE-like model parser
- Some unit tests
- CLI/GUI Frontend
- Improve the sparse matrix algorithm
- Parallel computing acceleration (with GPU)
- Mixed digital domain (with Verilator, IcarusVerilog, etc.)
- mkdir build && cd build
- cmake .. -Denable_testcases=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug (or Release)
- make -j8
Build documents:
- Doxygen needs to be installed. If not, rerun cmake after the installation
- make docs
Run regression tests:
- ./tstall