
An entertainment app that gets the latest music and current playlist. You get to search songs by having our app listen to audio and get who has sang it.

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An entertainment app that gets the latest music and current playlist. You get to search songs by having our app listen to audio and get who has sang it.

Updated instructions

After you have cloned the repository using git clone git@github.com:devmiano/truebarz.git

Step 1: Create virtual environment python3 -m venv --without-pip env

Step 2: Activate virtual environment source env/bin/activate

Step 3: Install pip in the virtual environment curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python3

Step 4: Install all packages in the requirements.txt file python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 5: Change your username and password for the database config in the config.py file

Step 6: Run chmod a+x start.sh to give privileges to the start.sh script

Step 7: Start the database shell using the command ./start.sh by uncommenting python3 manage.py shell in the start.sh file and comment out all other commands before running the command

Step 8: Run db.create_all() to create all database tables

Step 9: Start the application shell using the command ./start.sh by uncommenting python3 manage.py server in the start.sh file and comment out all other commands before running the command