
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Graph Decoder

Graph neural network decoder for the rotated surface code.

Includes the source code for the GNN decoder, as well as scripts to run the code on a cluster.

Getting started

Follow these steps to run the code on a cluster.

  • Clone the repository with git clone https://github.com/LangeMoritz/GNN_decoder
  • Install the required packages in requirements.txt, for example using a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv .venv 
source .venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install PyTorch by following the instructions found here.
  • Install PyTorch Geometric by following the instructions found here.

Repository structure

  • src/ contains the "source code" for the project, split into a number of modules:
    • GNN_Decoder.py A class for creating a decoder object with methods for training a GNN decoder and running decoding simulations.
    • __init__.pyturns src/ into an importable package.
    • gnn_models.py Contains PyTorch geometric graph neural network decoder models.
    • graph_representation.py Functions for converting syndromes to graphs.
├── src
│   ├── GNN_Decoder.py
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── gnn_models.py
│   ├── graph_representation.py
│   └── rotated_surface_code.py
  • models/ contains trained models corresponding to fig. 3 (circuit_level_noise/), fig. 5 and 6 (repetition_code/) and fig. 7 (perfect_stabilizers/)
  • results/ contains model and training history from training runs as .pt files (each run generates one file upon finishing). This directory should exist in your working directory.
  • job_outputs/ contains the standard output files from runs. This directory should exist in your working directory.
  • buffer_training.py is the python script used to run training with a data buffer, replacing part of the buffer with new data after a fixed number of training iterations.
    • run_buffer_training.sh is the shell run script used to start is jobs for buffer_training.py.
  • .gitignore lists files and directories in the git repository to be ignored in commits.
  • requirements.txt lists the required python packages. See the Getting Started section above.