
Front End Development Libraries


Front End Development Libraries


  1. Bootstrap

1.1. Use Responsive Design with Bootstrap Fluid Containers

1.2. Make Images Mobile Responsive

1.3. Make Images Mobile ResponsiveCenter Text with Bootstrap

1.4. Create a Bootstrap Button

1.5. Create a Block Element Bootstrap Button

1.6. Taste the Bootstrap Button Colour Rainbow

1.7. Call out Optional Actions with btn-info

1.8. Warn Your Users of a Dangerous Action with btn-danger

1.9. Use the Bootstrap Grid to Put Elements Side By Side

1.10. Ditch Custom CSS for Bootstrap

1.11. Use a span to Target Inline Elements

1.12. Create a Custom Heading

1.13. Add Font Awesome Icons to our Buttons

1.14. Add Font Awesome Icons to all of our Buttons

1.15. Responsively Style Radio Buttons

1.16. Responsively Style Checkboxes

1.17. Style Text Inputs as Form Controls

1.18. Line up Form Elements Responsively with Bootstrap

1.19. Create a Bootstrap Headline

1.20. House our page within a Bootstrap container-fluid div

1.21. Create a Bootstrap Row

1.22. Split Your Bootstrap Row

1.23. Create Bootstrap Wells

1.24. Add Elements within Your Bootstrap Wells

1.25. Apply the Default Bootstrap Button Style

1.26. Create a Class to Target with jQuery Selectors

1.27. Add id Attributes to Bootstrap Elements

1.28. Label Bootstrap Wells

1.29. Give Each Element a Unique id

1.30. Label Bootstrap Buttons

1.31. Use Comments to Clarify Code

  1. jQuery

2.1. Learn How Script Tags and Document Ready Work

2.2. Target HTML Elements with Selectors Using jQuery

2.3. Target Elements by Class Using jQuery

2.4. Target Elements by id Using jQuery

2.5. Delete Your jQuery Functions

2.6. Target the Same Element with Multiple jQuery Selectors

2.7. Remove Classes from an Element with jQuery

2.8. Change the CSS of an Element Using jQuery

2.9. Disable an Element Using jQuery

2.10. Change Text Inside an Element Using jQuery

2.11. Remove an Element Using jQuery

2.12. Use appendTo to Move Elements with jQuery

2.13. Clone an Element Using jQuery

2.14. Target the Parent of an Element Using jQuery

2.15. Target the Children of an Element Using jQuery

2.16. Target a Specific Child of an Element Using jQuery

2.17. Use jQuery to Modify the Entire Page

  1. SASS

3.1. Store Data with Sass Variables

3.2. Nest CSS with Sass

3.3. Create Reusable CSS with Mixins

3.4. Use @if and @else to Add Logic To Your Styles

3.5. Use @for to Create a Sass Loop

3.6. Use @each to Map Over Items in a List

3.7. Apply a Style Until a Condition is Met with @while

3.8. Split Your Styles into Smaller Chunks with Partials

3.9. Extend One Set of CSS Styles to Another Element

  1. React

4.1. Create a Simple JSX Element

4.2. Create a Complex JSX Element

4.3. Add Comments in JSX

4.4. Render HTML Elements to the DOM

4.5. Define an HTML Class in JSX

4.6. Learn About Self-Closing JSX Tags

4.7. Create a Stateless Functional Component

4.8. Create a React Component

4.9. Create a Component with Composition

4.10. Use React to Render Nested Components

4.11. Compose React Components

4.12. Render a Class Component to the DOM

4.13. Write a React Component from Scratch

4.14. Pass Props to a Stateless Functional Component

4.15. Pass an Array as Props

4.16. Use Default Props

4.17. Override Default Props

4.18. Use PropTypes to Define the Props You Expect

4.19. Access Props Using this.props

4.20. Review Using Props with Stateless Functional Components

4.21. Create a Stateful Component

4.22. Render State in the User Interface

4.23. Render State in the User Interface Another Way

4.24. Set State with this.setState

4.25. Bind 'this' to a Class Method

4.26. Use State to Toggle an Element

4.27. Write a Simple Counter

4.28. Create a Controlled Input

4.29. Create a Controlled Form

4.30. Pass State as Props to Child Components

4.31. Pass a Callback as Props

4.32. Use the Lifecycle Method componentWillMount

4.33. Use the Lifecycle Method componentDidMount

4.34. Add Event Listeners

4.35. Optimise Re-Renders with shouldComponentUpdate

4.36. Introducing Inline Styles

4.37. Add Inline Styles in React

4.38. Use Advanced JavaScript in React Render Method

4.39. Render with an If-Else Condition

4.40. Use && for a More Concise Conditional

4.41. Use a Ternary Expression for Conditional Rendering

4.42. Render Conditionally from Props

4.43. Change Inline CSS Conditionally Based on Component State

4.44. Use Array.map() to Dynamically Render Elements

4.45. Give Sibling Elements a Unique Key Attribute

4.46. Use Array.filter() to Dynamically Filter an Array

4.47. Render React on the Server with renderToString