
MATLAB code for color restoration of underwater images


Underwater Color Restoration

This is a revised implementation the color restoration method described in:

Diving into Haze-Lines: Color Restoration of Underwater Images. Berman, D. and Treibitz, T. and Avidan S., BMVC2017

If you use this code, please cite the appropriate paper.


title={Diving into Haze-Lines: Color Restoration of Underwater Images},
author={Berman, D. and Treibitz, T. and Avidan, S.},
booktitle={Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference},
publisher = {BMVA Press}, year={2017}, }

Getting Started

System Requirements:

The code requires MATLAB, and was tested on windows.

Download code and Pre-requisites

Option A: with git

Run the following commands to initialize your local repository, and to fetch all of the dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/danaberman/underwater-hl.git
cd underwater-hl
git submodule init
git submodule update

Option B: without git

  1. Download the code as a zip file.
  2. Download the toolbox from https://github.com/pdollar/toolbox into utils/toolbox/.
  3. Download the toolbox from https://github.com/pdollar/edges into utils/edges/.


  1. Change MATLAB's directory to the folder the code was extracted to.
  2. Run the file main_underwater_restoration.m in order to see the algorithm's perfomance on the attached images.

Working with RAW images

If you wish to use a raw image as input, please download Adobe DNG Converter and convert the raw image to a linear decompressed according to these settings:


Dana Berman, danamena@post.tau.ac.il


The software code of the non-local image dehazing algorithm is provided for non-commercial use under the attached LICENSE.md