Frog is an integration of memory-based natural language processing (NLP) modules developed for Dutch. All NLP modules are based on Timbl, the Tilburg memory-based learning software package.
- barthr
- bencomp@LeidenUniversityLibrary
- bkleef@profects @baralex
- CamielK@Mediaan
- ChristophSchmidlRadboud University Nijmegen
- decentral1se@Autonomic-Cooperative
- ducovrossemNetherlands
- eric41
- fbkarsdorpKNAW Meertens Institute
- goyalkuldeep
- hslatman@smallstep
- ifitzpatY. Digital
- jelmerk
- jlonij@KBNLresearch
- JosPolfliet@Duco
- jppgksPredibase
- jsteggink@knowsy-nl
- kayaerol84Amsterdam
- koslootRadboud University
- mesmoironMakea
- mhkuu@Yoast
- nielskeizerKeizer Quantative Consulting
- Ogaday
- pdelanauze
- phuysmans@pythagoria @afriwise
- proyconKNAW Humanities Cluster & CLST, Radboud University
- rafaelpierre
- roscopecoltran
- samalloingKB - National Library of the Netherlands
- savahu
- uf0
- usewitsUtrecht
- vaughndVaughn Dickson Consulting
- VDBBjorn@codest-be
- wuotr@mr-watts