
Vanilla JS canvas bullet hell Roguelike

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project PewPew

Open source bullet-hell game inspired by Vampire Survivors, Soulstone Survivors etc.

Ideas - feel free to contribute!


  • AOE temporal field
  • consider i-frames?
  • use 'staying still' as a way to deal more damage ability that fires more often, maybe only fires while standing still?

general ideas

  • shadows? - https://codepen.io/mladen___/pen/gbvqBo
  • exploding enemies
  • melee enemies (pokies) - bandana, dif. color
  • make game map/world
  • background effects
  • post-boss upgrades, store? revives?
  • disable all player inputs on blur


  • capture points?
  • protecc the mvp
  • offensive survival
  • defensive survival
  • terrain

boss mechanics