
Image Processing Library (JavaScript and WebGL)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


FivekoGFX (Fiveko Graphics) is a tiny Image Processing Library. The main code base of FivekoGFX is written in JavaScript and OpenGL shaders (GLSL). FivekoGFX is a web-based image processing lib and it tries to provide optimal solutions and take advantage of the GPU power (where possible).

You are also wlcome to visit fiveko.com.


Different image processing filters and transformations like:

  • Convolution operator - 2D masks and 1D separable kernels

  • Gaussian blur

  • Sobel edge detection

  • Mean filter

  • Symmetric Nearest Neighbour filter (Symmetric NN)

  • Hough transform

  • Watershed trasnform (currently Meyer's flooding algorithm)

  • Color space conversions (e.g. RGB <-> YCbCr, RGB to Grayscale, RGB to HSL, etc)

  • Color tracking by Back Projection

  • Histogram equalization

  • Cartesian plane to Log-Polar image transform

  • Local Binary Patterns (LBP)

Input formats:

  • Major image files like: JPEG, PNG, WEBP, BMP, etc.
  • Major Video files
  • Camera support (have in mind the web browser capabilites)

Demo application

The project provide an internal demo/test application you can use to test and see most fivekogfx's features.

Getting started

Loading and installing


Download the whole fivekogfx or just the /src/fivekogfx.min.js and include it into your HTML5 proect e.g.:

<script src="fivekogfx.min.js"></script>

How to use the FivekoGFX API

Gaussian blur:

Example of Gaussian filter over a canvas image with standart deviation of 2.0

var fivekogfx = new FivekoGFX();
fivekogfx.gauss(2.0); // e.g. Sigma=2.0


Example of Discrete Gaussian blur approximation with standard deviation of 1.0

var fivekogfx = new FivekoGFX();
fivekogfx.conv1d([1, 4, 7, 4, 1]); // Blur filter

Color space conversions

Example of RGB to Grayscale conversion

var fivekogfx = new FivekoGFX();