
REST API that serves uniformly and well formatted jokes in JSON, XML, YAML or plain text format that also offers a great variety of filtering methods

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A REST API that serves uniformly and well formatted jokes and offers a great variety of filtering methods and response customization

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Note: due to the different types of humor, JokeAPI contains a wide variety of jokes, of which some are very offensive. They can be filtered out, but use this API at your own risk!

If you want to contribute to JokeAPI (code, jokes or translations), please read the contributing guide.

Want to know how JokeAPI works? The developer documentation (work in progress) explains it.

Official API Wrappers:

Projects that use JokeAPI:

Project Author
dozens Advices ZephyrVentum
Shadow QGIsK
Jokepy aksty
Dark1 whiteadi
Prejudice Networks Liam Townsley
https://irshad.ml/humour.html draco-malfoy
Random Joke Generator with Flutter variousnabil
comma ThatCopy
Joke Teller AlHood77
Jokes plugin for Craft CMS 3.x remcoov
PoshBot.Joker ToastIT-dev
JokeAPI_ComputerCraft Sv443
Dev Dad Jokes Jonathan Bossenger

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