
RoadRunner and Ubiquity integration

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

RoadRunner and Ubiquity Integration


Makes the fastest PHP framework even faster.


Automatic installation

Just tell Ubiquity to run with RoadRunner

$ Ubiquity serve -t=roadrunner

All required components (except of PHP-CGI) will be installed at the first launch.

Manual installation

If you need package for your own projects, just require it via composer

$ composer require lapinskas/roadrunner-ubiquity



Get Ubiquiry Framework if you have not done it yet


php-cgi 7.4 is required for this package.

Please note it's php-cgi, not php, so most probably you have not it installed by default.

php-cgi installation on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

As of today, PHP 7.4 is not available in Ubuntu default repositories. In order to install it, you will have to get it from third-party repositories.

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php

Then update and upgrade to PHP 7.4

$ sudo apt update

and install php-cgi

$ sudo apt-get install php7.4-cgi


As an example of a basic usage, let's create default Ubiquity project and run it using RoadRunner

Create sample Ubiquity project

Let's create new project called 'firstProject' in a folder of your choice. Flag -a adds rather powerful UbiquityMyadmin application that we can use for usage testing.

$ Ubiquity new firstProject -a
$ cd firstProject

Note: if Ubiquity is not in your path, you can find it at ~/.composer/vendor/phpmv/ubiquity-devtools/src/Ubiquity

Run Ubiquity

Tell Ubiquity to run using RoadRunner

$ Ubiquity serve -t=roadrunner

Alternative - Run RoadRunner directly

Run RoadRunner in debug mode

$ ./rr serve -v -d

Open UbiquityMyadmin page

Open admin page of Ubiquity application in your browser

Ubiquity application is exactly the same and could be run using command "Ubiquity serve", NGINX or Apache servers. The only change is the entry point of the application.


Each worker takes some time for the bootstraping / initialization for the very first request. The consecutive requests do not require the bootstraping that results in much faster processing after all workers have been initialized.

Please feel free to run some benchmarking tests of RoadRunner+Ubiquity vs NGINX+Ubiquity or Apache+Ubiquity. Preliminary tests have shown more than 100% increase in the number of requests per second and twice quicker response time.


Version Release date

Changelog can be found here.



This is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License.