fast-xinci is a C++ library for Chinese new words discovery. Also see Python package xinci
还在嫌Python包 xinci 速度不都快吗? C++版 新词发现算法来啦,赶快来star吧!
Generally, fast-xinci builds on modern Mac OS and Linux distributions. Since it uses some C++11 features, it requires a compiler with good C++11 support. These include :
- (g++-4.7.2 or newer) or (clang-3.3 or newer)
- cmake at least version 2.8.9.
$ git clone
$ cd fast-xinci
$ mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
$ make
This will create the fast-xinci binary and also all relevant libraries (shared, static, PIC).
This library has two main use cases: Chinese words extraction and Chinese new words discovery.
$ ./xinci -input data.txt
where data.txt
is a training file containing UTF-8
encoded text.
The program will save one file: result.txt
is a text file containing the new words and word counts, one per line.
$ ./xinci -input data.txt -a
Invoke a command without arguments or -h to list available arguments and their default values:
$ ./xinci
Empty input path.
xinci <args>
The following arguments are mandatory:
-input input corpus file path
The following arguments are optional:
-output output result file path [result.txt]
-commonWordsDic common words dic file path [common.dic]
-minCandidateLen min candidate word length [2]
-maxCandidateLen max candidate word length [5]
-leastWordCount least word count threshold [5]
-solidRate solid rate threshold [0.018]
-entropyRate entropy rate threshold [1.92]
-a set to all words mode, otherwise only new words [0]