
Wrapper library of Discord's Interactions API (a.l.a. slash commands)

Primary LanguagePython


Wrapper library of Discord's new Interactions API, a.k.a. 'Slash Commands' feature. Supported APIs:

  1. application commands (slash commands)
  2. components - Buttons

⚠ Warning

This repository is currently on development. I can't ensure this module works without any problems. Since I'm preparing college entry exam, I can't keep my eyes on this project. I will read issues, but I can't say they will be resloved soon. Every PRs are welcomed, as you keep the code's consistency (code style, docstring formats, etc.) :D

  • You can use application command feature (a.k.a slash commands) in this module, too.
  • You can use message components feature in this module, too.

How to install

  1. Install library from pypi
pip install discord.py-interactions
  1. Import library in your project
import discord_interactions


Application Commands

discord.ext.commands.Bot + Application Commands

from discord_interactions.application_commands import Bot, SlashContext

bot = Bot(command_prefix='!')

async def hello_slash(ctx: SlashContext):
    await ctx.respond() # WIP

Message Components


from discord_interactions.ui import ButtonStyle, Button
from discord.ext.commands import Bot, Context

bot = Bot(command_prefix='!')

async def btn_cmd(ctx: Context):
    await ctx.send(components=[Button(style=ButtonStyle.Success, label='I'm Green!', custom_id='btn01', emoji='📗')])

Select Menu

from discord_interactions.ui import SelectOption, SelectMenu
from discord.ext.commands import Bot, Context

bot = Bot(command_prefix='!')

async def select_cmd(ctx: Context):
    await ctx.send(components=[
          SelectOption(label='pizza', value=1),
          SelectOption(label='chicken', value=2)
        placeholder='Choose your favorite food'


discord_interactions.ext module contains additional features of utilizing discord_interactions.

Preset Components

Preset Components is a feature of parsing XML-structured Message Components into discord_interactions's python models. (Currently in discord_interactions.ui. Will be moved into discord_interactions.ext.preset_components in future release.)


    <!-- button component structure-->
    <Button name='repository_url' style='Link' url='https://github.com/Lapis0875/discord_interactions.py' label='Repository Link' emoji='🔗'/>
    <!-- select component structure -->
    <SelectMenu name="food_poll" custom_id="food_poll" placeholder="Choose your favorite food!">
        <SelectOption label="Pizza" value="food.instant.pizza" description="Pizza is one of most popular instant food over the world." emoji = "🍕"/>
        <SelectOption label="Chicken" value="food.instant.chicken" description="CHICKEN IS THE GOD!!!" emoji="🍗"/>
        <SelectOption label="Ramen" value="food.ramen" description="Ramen is a sort of noodle dish." emoji="🍜"/>
    <!-- reference component object defined before. Will be replaced into matching component(based on reference name) on runtime. -->
    <ActionRow name='food_poll_view'>
    <Select ref='food_poll'/>


from discord_interactions.ui import SelectOption, SelectMenu, Button, Presets
from discord.ext.commands import Bot, Context

bot = Bot(command_prefix='!')

discord_interactions.ui.Presets is a singleton class, which parse and stores xml-structured message components.
You can get those preset components through methods like:
  ActionRow : Presets().get_action_row(name)
  Button : Presets().get_button(name)
  Select : Presets().get_select(name)
  SelectOption : Presets().get_select_option(name)
Parameter `name` is defined in xml component tags as a attribute 'name`.
You can get these preset components using `name` attribute value.

async def repo_btn_cmd(ctx: Context):
    await ctx.send(components=[Presets.get_button('repository_url')])

async def fool_poll_cmd(ctx: Context):
    await ctx.send(components=[Presets.get_action_row('food_poll_view')])

Object-Command Mapping (Currently, this is just a idea.)

Object-Command Mapping is a extension to implement ApplicatiomCommand objects using Class definition. You can add Command attributes like Options, etc. (Will be implemented in discord_interactions.ext.ocm)

from discord_interactions.commands import Command, Option, SubCommand, SubCommandGrouo
from discord_interactions import SlashContext

class SampleSlash(Command):
    opt1 = Option(type=str)
    opt2 = Option(type=int)
    async def callback(self, ctx: SlashContext, opt1: str, opt2: int):
from discord_interactions.commands import Command, Option, SubCommand, SubCommandGrouo
from discord_interactions import SlashContext

class SubcommandaSlash(Command):
    sub = SubCommandGroup(..)
    class Msg2Ch(SubCommand):
       ch = Option(type=OptionType.Channe, ...)
        msg = Option(type=OptionType.String, ...)
        async def run(self, ctx: SlashContext, ch: discord.TextChannel, msg: str):
            await ch.sebd(msg)
    class Mention2Ch(Subcommand):
        ch = Option(OptionType.Channel, ...)
            async def callback(self, ctx: SlashContext, ch: discord.TextChannel):
                await ch.send(ctx.author.mention) 


This project follows Conventional Commit.