
Seidel's Algorithm implementation

Primary LanguagePython

Seidel’s shortest path algorithm implementation for Computational Complexity Theory 2021 course (HSE)

Algorithm implementation is in seidel_algo.py file.

It receives an adjacency matrix as input and returns distance matrix as output. For unreachable vertexes the distance equals 0.

File for building automated testing workflow: python-package.yml

Algorithm brief description

A - adjacency matrix with size n

 - adjacency matrix with 1s on diagonal

G - graph

D - distance matrix

  1. Find Â^1, Â^2, Â^4... Â^n1 where n1 >= n
  2. D of G^n1 = A^n1 (with zeros on diagonal)
  3. Find by special rule D of G^n1 -> D of G^n1 / 2 -> ... -> D of G^2 -> D of G
  4. Return D of G


Load dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt

Run algorithm with example input: python seidel_algo.py

Run tests: py.test -v test_seidel.py