Lara is a liquid staking solution for Taraxa. It allows users to stake their TARA tokens and receive a 1:1 representation of their staked tokens on the Taraxa blockchain. These tokens are called stTARA (staked TARA). stTARA can be used in the Taraxa ecosystem, for example, to provide liquidity on DEXes or to participate in other DeFi protocols. stTARA can be redeemed for TARA at any time.
Solidity API is available in the following Docs.
Lara is licensed under the MIT License.
To pull the latest submodules:
forge install
To compile the contracts:
yarn compile
forge compile
To run the tests:
yarn test:all
lara token address: 0x2915BcAfd018c5b7B7FA0730a4CE0e42772d145F
stTara address: 0xe9e0B9960fD410f84d095eeaa5e4e6e8fE7e1aDA
oracleProxy address: 0xd170c33a27A9C3cb599d9B41970DAD2AaCeE96e2
oracleImplementation address: 0xE6C2a1fEA67ea93A7Ce415672dFDb95B35e17d8E
laraProxy address: 0x397F45dCaC0DC00cb927d8eCE7d449F726A517cF
laraImplementation address: 0xCDc0909a9d11E3D7F51e3B94bDC8ad7d31D76bBD
- RPC:
- Explorer:
- ChainId:
- Name:
Taraxa PRnet-2609
- Currency:
Developer - Előd Varga (@VargaElod23) Owner - Lara Protocol(