Getting Started

Are you new here? Take a look at the projects section and you might find something interesting to get involved with.

You might also want to take a look at each of the existing packages to gather a brighter idea of what you can be part of. Here is the list:

Coding Standards

As of now we follow the PSR-2: Coding Style Guide when writing code, so please make sure to take a look at it before writing your first lines. However, as the industry moves to PSR-12: Extended Coding Style at some point we will switch as well in the future.


Package ideas can be discussed on slack in the #packages-ideas channel. For a package to be created, a majority of voters must agree to the idea and at least two team members (one lead developer and one other maintainer) must accept to continuously work on it.

The lead developer (aka lead maintainer) is whoever came up with the package idea and is responsible of creating a roadmap for the package and of the progress of the development in general.

A package that has reached 3 months of inactivity will be automatically archived, so if for any reasons the lead developer cannot proceed with the development they have to find a new lead before the 3 months deadline.

Every package must:

To skip all of the overhead of creating the basic package files, you can use the package boilerplate template while creating a new repository.


Something is not clear about these information? Feel free to open an issue.